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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Submission Guidelines


Lamma seeks research and writing on a wide variety of subjects related to Libya. Our conception of ‘Libya’ is broad, situated at the intersection of numerous identities: northern and western African, Saharan, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Islamic, Ottoman, and more. We are particularly interested in work which addresses understudied subjects and brings new or multi-disciplinary approaches. Lamma accepts research articles as well as essays, commentaries, interviews, and literary and creative pieces for publication in English or any of the modern languages of Libya (Arabic, Tamazight, Tebu, etc.).

General Submission Rules

Research articles should be previously unpublished works that provide a new and critical contribution to some aspect of Libyan Studies. Articles may be up to 8,000 words in length.

Essays, commentaries, interviews, reviews, and literary and creative pieces should contribute in some way to a critical discussion of current issues, especially social and cultural issues, in and related to Libya. These types of pieces should be 1,000 to 3,000 words in length.

Submissions cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in a print or electronic publication. By submitting material to Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that they will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at Lamma.

Review Policy

Lamma makes use of double blind peer-review for research articles, and editor review for other types of submissions. Each submission is reviewed separately by two reviewers chosen from among Lamma’s authors, editors, and advisory board. Submissions are reviewed within four months from submission.

Formatting Requirements

Each research article submission should include the following:

1. Cover page including title, author’s name, affiliation, and contact information, abstract of up to 200 words, and up to 6 keywords.

2. The actual research article, in .doc and .pdf format including all references. The author’s name should not appear in the article itself.

3. Any images, if necessary, as separate high resolution files.

Other types of submissions should include a title (if necessary), author’s name and contact information (and affiliation, if available), and the submission in .doc and .pdf format.

Manuscripts should be typed in 12-point font at 1.5 line spacing.

Citation style is left to the convenience of the author, provided a single style is adopted and followed consistently. References should be in the form of footnotes (not endnotes), with a full bibliography at the end of the article.