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Open Access Publications from the University of California


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Submission Guidelines

Streetnotes is an interdisciplinary, as well as a multiple format journal that encourages a wide range of work. The diversity spans the social sciences, humanities and the arts. We accept traditionally formatted scholarly articles, poetry, photography, non-fiction essays, as well as representations and analysis of documentary projects. While we encourage innovation in display and exposition, we are concerned that every project presses forward the aims and scope of the journal.

Streetnotes will mainly be distributing the journals in PDF files. For this reason it is most convenient for the Editors to receive text submissions as Word documents, spaced in a way that can be duplicated in our PDF pages. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit work that has been carefully proofread and work that resembles most closely the desired final published form.

Streetnotes asks that authors be sure to cite their sources, and that all references in the text appear in the works cited list. Streetnotes recommends authors follow the latest edition of the The Chicago Manual of Style.

Photography and other visual art must be submitted as independent files in the JPG format with a 150dpi resolution and a size no larger than 800 x 800 pixels. All submissions must also be accompanied by an abstract or “work description” no larger that 400 words.

Articles and essays should not normally exceed 20,000 words.

Questions about submissions and inquiries about potential work (such as multi-media projects) that may complicate these guidelines can be directed to the Editor.

All submissions must also be made through the “Submit Article” link.