Recent Work

Parent: Department of Mathematics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
5cp2c1bdCommon genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures125151073
4t65z37wPiecewise quantile autoregressive modeling for nonstationary time series7115231815
0nf7j6sqLinear Algebra as an Introduction to Abstract Mathematics7014142220
5zz0739wA note on properly discontinuous actions591618169
2037z49wQuantitative Tverberg Theorems Over Lattices and Other Discrete Sets44181277
1888k21hA Note on Cumulant Technique in Random Matrix Theory3516874
992735rbHilbert schemes and y–ification of Khovanov–Rozansky homology3324531
8v74w5ctTorus knots and the rational DAHA3221344
81g179cjCurrent theoretical models fail to predict the topological complexity of the human genome2934814
3t23p33zSynaptic basis for intense thalamocortical activation of feedforward inhibitory cells in neocortex289946
0mt6k7m9On gapped phases with a continuous symmetry and boundary operators278586
2db2p1k7The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data279882
5qs3v0rsComputing Fundamental Matrix Decompositions Accurately via the Matrix Sign Function in Two Iterations: The Power of Zolotarev's Functions2786103
78d6r5wbHelly numbers of algebraic subsets of ℝd and an extension of Doignon’s Theorem278847
8gh5s6hpA note on properly discontinuous actions277956
8vs4w2ngPlethysm and the algebra of uniform block permutations2717244
9gf9k214The Non-Traditional Coriolis Terms and Tropical Convective Clouds2715192
6674s3b3Lectures on quasi-isometric rigidity269746
7hf1p79dTree polynomials identify a link between co-transcriptional R-loops and nascent RNA folding26917
01c0p4jnEditor’s Note: Spontaneous SU2( C ) symmetry breaking in the ground states of quantum spin chain [J. Math. Phys. 59, 111701 (2018)]2510663
0bv9t4c8Efficient Approximation and Denoising of Graph Signals Using the Multiscale Basis Dictionaries2546312
3rm3m38cEarly career Latinas in STEM: Challenges and solutions258755
6zw6x3vtDynamics of adrenergic signaling in cardiac myocytes and implications for pharmacological treatment2510573
0229d5mpUnexpected Stein fillings, rational surface singularities and plane curve arrangements248934
4827g1twWeak orientability of matroids and polynomial equations244767
4w18x7tzNovel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume2471241
67z9r23dFair Data Representation for Machine Learning at the Pareto Frontier.2441145
1b48z46cFrom Quasi-Symmetric to Schur Expansions with Applications to Symmetric Chain Decompositions and Plethysm2325313
3hw5g673Bistability in a Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron with a Passive Dendrite2311633
7gf470j6Scalable smoothing strategies for a geometric multigrid method for the immersed boundary equations2311237
8240v1qfA class of two-dimensional AKLT models with a gap2310742
27n8r19qImmersed boundary smooth extension: A high-order method for solving PDE on arbitrary smooth domains using Fourier spectral methods225953
2br289rpComplete characterizations of hyperbolic Coxeter groups with Sierpiński curve boundary and with Menger curve boundary223469
30d0p416Unified theory for finite Markov chains228653
5m15t3g3Klein–Maskit combination theorem for Anosov subgroups: Amalgams225647
9sg0d7mbOn Stable Khovanov Homology of Torus Knots2218112
2f1562bjOn representation varieties of 3-manifold groups219651
9rj6g2gnFine structure of viral dsDNA encapsidation2112522
02w677fgNeuromechanical Mechanisms of Gait Adaptation in C. elegans : Relative Roles of Neural and Mechanical Coupling207742
07v833mxThe robustness of phase-locking in neurons with dendro-dendritic electrical coupling207526
63x712kqDomains of discontinuity of Lorentzian affine group actions209722
1s69r185The semaphore codes attached to a Turing machine via resets and their various limits195428
2rp5d5q9Effective bounds for Vinberg’s algorithm for arithmetic hyperbolic lattices194474
3k9311pzPatterson–Sullivan theory for Anosov subgroups198524
4sn2p0kgA multiscale predictive digital twin for neurocardiac modulation196364
5j79p8ngHierarchical graph Laplacian eigen transforms198632
8x36h534A computational model predicts sex-specific responses to calcium channel blockers in mammalian mesenteric vascular smooth muscle19757
9xt8p79nCrystal Approach to Affine Schubert Calculus199631
5x3516hhUsing machine learning to detect coronaviruses potentially infectious to humans187515
6997k34sThe equivariant Euler characteristic of moduli spaces of curves1810611

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.