Recent Work

Parent: Department of Mathematics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
4t65z37wPiecewise quantile autoregressive modeling for nonstationary time series741925246
0nf7j6sqLinear Algebra as an Introduction to Abstract Mathematics662019918
5zz0739wA note on properly discontinuous actions63301896
2db2p1k7The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data59311711
1888k21hA Note on Cumulant Technique in Random Matrix Theory541717119
3rm3m38cEarly career Latinas in STEM: Challenges and solutions5414131017
78d6r5wbHelly numbers of algebraic subsets of ℝd and an extension of Doignon’s Theorem52910285
34g5h9zsOn Viazovskas modular form inequalities.5028202
61d0q7swHighly accurate model for prediction of lung nodule malignancy with CT scans47261533
0d16p9f7Promotion and growth diagrams for fans of Dyck paths and vacillating tableaux46281332
8t4175pwPHLST with adaptive tiling and its application to antarctic remote sensing image approximation46281215
3ct2p6gkA diversity of localized timescales in network activity4526181
3t23p33zSynaptic basis for intense thalamocortical activation of feedforward inhibitory cells in neocortex45819711
7961x6kmSurgery on links of linking number zero and the Heegaard Floer $d$-invariant45241722
02w677fgNeuromechanical Mechanisms of Gait Adaptation in C. elegans : Relative Roles of Neural and Mechanical Coupling44291221
1qs1c3nkPrestoCell: A persistence-based clustering approach for rapid and robust segmentation of cellular morphology in three-dimensional data44182321
6511p95jScratch-AID, a deep learning-based system for automatic detection of mouse scratching behavior with high accuracy44241523
9rj6g2gnFine structure of viral dsDNA encapsidation44281231
0mt6k7m9On gapped phases with a continuous symmetry and boundary operators43181663
4c89d66pEmerging roles for R-loop structures in the management of topological stress43221623
5j79p8ngHierarchical graph Laplacian eigen transforms43211192
9gf9k214The Non-Traditional Coriolis Terms and Tropical Convective Clouds43231244
84p05992SparRec: An effective matrix completion framework of missing data imputation for GWAS4212219
17b7g47xA Large-Scale Circuit Mechanism for Hierarchical Dynamical Processing in the Primate Cortex41181823
27n8r19qImmersed boundary smooth extension: A high-order method for solving PDE on arbitrary smooth domains using Fourier spectral methods4123144
88d39661Derived Traces of Soergel Categories41251321
9vs7m8p8Two Dimensional Water Waves in Holomorphic Coordinates4123171
28m357wtA Global Bifurcation and the Appearance of a One-Dimensional Spiral Wave in Excitable Media40151546
2rp5d5q9Effective bounds for Vinberg’s algorithm for arithmetic hyperbolic lattices40112234
7vt037gpCommon population codes produce extremely nonlinear neural manifolds.40191632
99p3s3nzCoordination Characteristics of Uranyl BBP Complexes: Insights from an Electronic Structure Analysis4026131
2f707966Reproducibility of 3D chromatin configuration reconstructions3921144
5qs3v0rsComputing Fundamental Matrix Decompositions Accurately via the Matrix Sign Function in Two Iterations: The Power of Zolotarev's Functions39101289
1f03w77bAutomated Recognition of RNA Structure Motifs by Their SHAPE Data Signatures3822142
7ps6t1t6Convergent solutions of Stokes Oldroyd-B boundary value problems using the Immersed Boundary Smooth Extension (IBSE) method38171344
8240v1qfA class of two-dimensional AKLT models with a gap38141545
6k09x9vfPrivate measures, random walks, and synthetic data.3719117
0px3f62qRandom walks on semaphore codes and delay de Bruijn semigroups36161316
0sw44707Dissipation-Dependent Thermal Escape from a Potential Well3622131
3rt3b7bkPathways of DNA unlinking: A story of stepwise simplification36221211
5hx0g9vdTAaCGH Suite for Detecting Cancer—Specific Copy Number Changes Using Topological Signatures3622122
6564692mFlagellar swimming in viscoelastic fluids: role of fluid elastic stress revealed by simulations based on experimental data3620151
7vr0x0rmThe Rabl configuration limits topological entanglement of chromosomes in budding yeast36161523
8336q2bsSynchronization of Electrically Coupled Resonate-and-Fire Neurons.36191322
8vs4w2ngPlethysm and the algebra of uniform block permutations36181341
9vq7313zHilbert schemes and $y$-ification of Khovanov-Rozansky homology3621141
0j98n6t5Finsler bordifications of symmetric and certain locally symmetric spaces35161441
1s132759Random sampling in computational algebra: Helly numbers and violator spaces3518116
4x27q585Random Recurrent Networks Near Criticality Capture the Broadband Power Distribution of Human ECoG Dynamics.3523111

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.