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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Submission Guidelines

CPC-EM Case Report Guidelines

Please review the submission guidelines here.

To be considered for external review and publication, case reports must describe a very rare or unique clinical condition that demonstrates major importance and impact towards public and population health in emergency medicine. Authors are encouraged to submit case reports that are educational/beneficial, furthering knowledge in emergency medicine. Abstracts should be no more than 100 words, and reports should be no more than 1750 words. Please note that figures, illustrations, or videos are highly recommended to be included (maximum of 3 figures / tables.) The case report should not be submitted if a similar case report has previously been published in CPC-EM.

CPC-EM Images in Emergency Medicine Guidelines

Please review the submission guidelines here.

Submissions are limited to 300 words. All Images submissions must have at least 1 Figure/Table/Image; no more than 3 Figures/Tables/Images are permitted per submission. We highly encourage both videos (ultrasound and otherwise) and high quality images. However, it is important to cross reference any media with our image bank on our website to avoid similar publications. In our review and publication process, we make an active effort to avoid submissions that create redundancy within our journal.

CPC-EM Clinicopathological Cases Guidelines

Please review the submission guidelines here.