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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Faculty Publications

The Department of Earth System Science (ESS) focuses on how the atmosphere, land, and oceans interact as a system, and how the Earth will change over a human lifetime.

Cover page of Observed declines in upper ocean phosphate-to-nitrate availability.

Observed declines in upper ocean phosphate-to-nitrate availability.


Climate warming is increasing ocean stratification, which in turn should decrease the nutrient flux to the upper ocean. This may slow marine primary productivity, causing cascading effects throughout food webs. However, observing changes in upper ocean nutrients is challenging because surface concentrations are often below detection limits. We show that the nutricline depth, where nutrient concentrations reach well-detected levels, is tied to productivity and upper ocean nutrient availability. Next, we quantify nutricline depths from a global database of observed vertical nitrate and phosphate profiles to assess contemporary trends in global nutrient availability (1972-2022). We find strong evidence that the P-nutricline (phosphacline) is mostly deepening, especially throughout the southern hemisphere, but the N-nutricline (nitracline) remains mostly stable. Earth System Model (ESM) simulations support the hypothesis that reduced iron stress and increased nitrogen fixation buffer the nitracline, but not phosphacline, against increasing stratification. These contemporary trends are expected to continue in the coming decades, leading to increasing phosphorus but not nitrogen stress for marine phytoplankton, with important ramifications for ocean biogeochemistry and food web dynamics.

Cover page of Enhanced CH4 emissions from global wildfires likely due to undetected small fires.

Enhanced CH4 emissions from global wildfires likely due to undetected small fires.


Monitoring methane (CH4) emissions from terrestrial ecosystems is essential for assessing the relative contributions of natural and anthropogenic factors leading to climate change and shaping global climate goals. Fires are a significant source of atmospheric CH4, with the increasing frequency of megafires amplifying their impact. Global fire emissions exhibit large spatiotemporal variations, making the magnitude and dynamics difficult to characterize accurately. In this study, we reconstruct global fire CH4 emissions by integrating satellite carbon monoxide (CO)-based atmospheric inversion with well-constrained fire CH4 to CO emission ratio maps. Here we show that global fire CH4 emissions averaged 24.0 (17.7-30.4) Tg yr-1 from 2003 to 2020, approximately 27% higher (equivalent to 5.1 Tg yr-1) than average estimates from four widely used fire emission models. This discrepancy likely stems from undetected small fires and underrepresented emission intensities in coarse-resolution data. Our study highlights the value of atmospheric inversion based on fire tracers like CO to track fire-carbon-climate feedback.

Cover page of Hydroclimatic extremes threaten groundwater quality and stability.

Hydroclimatic extremes threaten groundwater quality and stability.


Heavy precipitation, drought, and other hydroclimatic extremes occur more frequently than in the past climate reference period (1961-1990). Given their strong effect on groundwater recharge dynamics, these phenomena increase the vulnerability of groundwater quantity and quality. Over the course of the past decade, we have documented changes in the composition of dissolved organic matter in groundwater. We show that fractions of ingressing surface-derived organic molecules increased significantly as groundwater levels declined, whereas concentrations of dissolved organic carbon remained constant. Molecular composition changeover was accelerated following 2018s extreme summer drought. These findings demonstrate that hydroclimatic extremes promote rapid transport between surface ecosystems and groundwaters, thereby enabling xenobiotic substances to evade microbial processing, accrue in greater abundance in groundwater, and potentially compromise the safe nature of these potable water sources. Groundwater quality is far more vulnerable to the impact of recent climate anomalies than is currently recognized, and the molecular composition of dissolved organic matter can be used as a comprehensive indicator for groundwater quality deterioration.

Cover page of Removal of dissolved organic carbon in the West Pacific hadal zones.

Removal of dissolved organic carbon in the West Pacific hadal zones.


The deep oceans are environments of complex carbon dynamics that have the potential to significantly impact the global carbon cycle. However, the role of hadal zones, particularly hadal trenches (water depth > 6 km), in the oceanic dissolved organic carbon (DOC) cycle is not thoroughly investigated. Here we report distinct DOC signatures in the Japan Trench bottom water. We find that up to 34% ± 7% of the DOC in the trench bottom is removed during the northeastward transport of dissolved carbon along the trench axis. This DOC removal increases the overall DOC recalcitrance of the deep Pacific DOC pool, and is potentially enhanced by the earthquake-triggered physical and biogeochemical processes in the hadal trenches. Radiocarbon analysis on representative oceanic transects further reveals that the Pacific deep-water DOC undergoes distinct removal compared to those in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans along the thermohaline transport. Our findings highlight hadal trenches as previously unrecognized DOC sinks in the deep ocean system, with varying dynamics that warrant further investigation.

Cover page of Contrasting Summertime Trends in Vehicle Combustion Efficiency in Los Angeles, CA and Salt Lake City, UT.

Contrasting Summertime Trends in Vehicle Combustion Efficiency in Los Angeles, CA and Salt Lake City, UT.


Policy interventions and technological advances are mitigating emissions of air pollutants from motor vehicles. As a result, vehicle fleets are expected to progressively combust fuel more efficiently, with a declining ratio of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide (CO/CO2) in their emissions. We assess trends in traffic combustion efficiency in Los Angeles (LA) and Salt Lake City (SLC) by measuring changes in summertime on-road CO/CO2 between 2013 and 2021 using mobile observations. Our data show a reduction in CO/CO2 in LA, indicating an improvement in combustion efficiency that likely resulted from stringent regulation of CO emissions. In contrast, we observed an increase in CO/CO2 values in SLC. While slower progress in SLC compared to LA may be partially due to a later adoption of vehicle emission regulations in Utah compared to California, differing driving conditions and fleet composition may also be playing a role. This is evidenced by increased CO/CO2 in LA during the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to faster driving speeds and changes to the fleet composition. Our results demonstrate the success of Californias CO-reducing policy interventions and illustrate the impacts of traffic characteristics on vehicle combustion efficiency and air pollutant emissions.

Cover page of Bathymetry of the Antarctic continental shelf and ice shelf cavities from circumpolar gravity anomalies and other data.

Bathymetry of the Antarctic continental shelf and ice shelf cavities from circumpolar gravity anomalies and other data.


Bathymetry critically influences the intrusion of warm Circumpolar Deep Water onto the continental shelf and under ice shelf cavities in Antarctica, thereby forcing ice melting, grounding line retreat, and sea level rise. We present a novel and comprehensive bathymetry of Antarctica that includes all ice shelf cavities and previously unmeasured continental shelf areas. The new bathymetry is based on a 3D inversion of a circumpolar compilation of gravity anomalies constrained by measurements from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean, BedMachine Antarctica, and discrete seafloor measurements from seismic and ocean robotic probes. Previously unknown troughs with thicker ice shelf cavities are revealed in many parts of Antarctica, especially East Antarctica. The greater depths of troughs on the continental shelf and ice shelf cavities imply that many glaciers are more vulnerable to ocean subsurface warming than previously thought, which may increase the projections of sea level rise from Antarctica.

Cover page of Temporal and spatial pattern analysis of escaped prescribed fires in California from 1991 to 2020

Temporal and spatial pattern analysis of escaped prescribed fires in California from 1991 to 2020



Prescribed fires play a critical role in reducing the intensity and severity of future wildfires by systematically and widely consuming accumulated vegetation fuel. While the current probability of prescribed fire escape in the United States stands very low, their consequential impact, particularly the large wildfires they cause, raises substantial concerns. The most direct way of understanding this trade-off between wildfire risk reduction and prescribed fire escapes is to explore patterns in the historical prescribed fire records. This study investigates the spatiotemporal patterns of escaped prescribed fires in California from 1991 to 2020, offering insights for resource managers in developing effective forest management and fuel treatment strategies.


The results reveal that the months close to the beginning and end of the wildfire season, namely May, June, September, and November, have the highest frequency of escaped fires. Under similar environmental conditions, areas with more records of prescribed fire implementation tend to experience fewer escapes. The findings revealed the vegetation types most susceptible to escaped prescribed fires. Areas with tree cover ranging from 20 to 60% exhibited the highest incidence of escapes compared to shrubs and grasslands. Among all the environmental conditions analyzed, wind speed stands out as the predominant factor that affects the risk of prescribed fire escaping.


These findings mark an initial step in identifying high-risk areas and periods for prescribed fire escapes. Understanding these patterns and the challenges of quantifying escape rates can inform more effective landscape management practices.

Supplementary information

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s42408-024-00342-3.