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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Irvine Law Review

UC Irvine


The UC Irvine Law Review (ISSN 2327-4514) was founded in the spring of 2010, during the inaugural year of the UC Irvine School of Law. We aim to promote exceptional legal scholarship by featuring contributions from a spectrum of academic, practical, and student perspectives. As the flagship journal of the UC Irvine School of Law, the UC Irvine Law Review is dedicated to embodying the values, spirit, and diversity of UCI Law in its membership, leadership, and scholarship. Please contact the Law Review at


Religious Healing Exemptions and the Jurisprudential Gap Between Substantive Due Process and Free Exercise Rights

Religious healing parents have vexed state courts for almost a century. Religious healing is the belief that “prayer” or “spiritual means,” rather than modern medicine, can cure individuals. Adults and emancipated minors have the right to refuse medical treatment. Some states go further and grant religious healing parents a statutory exemption against criminal and civil actions for child endangerment, neglect, negligence, manslaughter, and even homicide. This Article identifies these types of exemptions as an issue of religious childrearing.

Religious healing exemptions demonstrate the difficulty delineating the line between childrearing rights of parents and the state’s duty to protect children. Professor James Dwyer argues that exemptions undermine a state’s legitimate interest in the wellbeing of its most vulnerable citizens—minor children. Those who, like Dwyer, find exemptions untenable also have difficulty understanding why a state would allow a parent or guardian to refuse lifesaving medical treatment for a child in need. Proponents of religious healing argue that exemptions do nothing more than accommodate free exercise and substantive due process rights to the care, custody, and control of minor children and dependents. Those who support this view of exemptions may also have difficulty understanding how or why a state could have authority to intrude on the privacy rights of parents or guardians.

This Article uniquely contributes to the religious healing debate by bringing together substantive due process and the Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence. Part I of this Article discusses the nature and scope of statutory exemptions in U.S. States. Parts II and III of this Article explore exemptions from the perspective of substantive due process and the Free Exercise Clause, respectively. Parts II and III also examine the impact of exemptions on those left in the gap: children, nonconsenting parents, and the state itself. Regardless of intent, exemptions can trump both a nonconsenting parent’s right to childrearing and a child’s independent right to life. Exemptions may also expose inconsistencies in the exercise of government intrusion on constitutionally recognized fundamental rights


Climate Change and Human Migration

As the impacts of climate change increase over time, adaptation efforts seeking to protect human health and dignity are becoming more vital. This article seeks to illuminate one means by which individuals will adapt to climatic impacts: migration. First, this Note explores the linkages between climate change and migration. Second, this Note gives a summary of the current approaches which governments and non-state actors are employing to support climate migrants. Finally, this Note includes brief policy recommendations for states and policymakers to consider as they work together to formulate responses to this imminent global phenomenon.