The Paul Merage School of Business combines the academic strengths and best traditions of the University of California with the cutting-edge, entrepreneurial spirit of Orange County. The School's thematic approach to business education is: sustainable growth through strategic innovation.
Paul Merage School of Business
Papers (645)
Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results.
To what extent are research results influenced by subjective decisions that scientists make as they design studies? Fifteen research teams independently designed studies to answer five original research questions related to moral judgments, negotiations, and implicit cognition. Participants from 2 separate large samples (total N > 15,000) were then randomly assigned to complete 1 version of each study. Effect sizes varied dramatically across different sets of materials designed to test the same hypothesis: Materials from different teams rendered statistically significant effects in opposite directions for 4 of 5 hypotheses, with the narrowest range in estimates being d = -0.37 to + 0.26. Meta-analysis and a Bayesian perspective on the results revealed overall support for 2 hypotheses and a lack of support for 3 hypotheses. Overall, practically none of the variability in effect sizes was attributable to the skill of the research team in designing materials, whereas considerable variability was attributable to the hypothesis being tested. In a forecasting survey, predictions of other scientists were significantly correlated with study results, both across and within hypotheses. Crowdsourced testing of research hypotheses helps reveal the true consistency of empirical support for a scientific claim. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
© Cambridge University Press 2008. We are pleased to introduce Art Brief's Diversity at Work, as part of the Cambridge Companions to Management series. The series is intended to advance knowledge in the fields of management by presenting the latest scholarship and research on topics of growing importance. Bridging the gap between journal articles and student textbooks, the volumes offer in-depth treatment of selected management topics, exploring the current knowledge base and identifying future opportunities for research. Each topic covered in the series is one with great future promise, and one that also has developed a sufficient body of research to allow informed reviews and debate. Management scholarship is increasingly international in scope. No longer can scholars read only the work conducted in their own countries, or talk only to their near neighbors. Creative and innovative work in management is now being conducted throughout the world. Each volume is organized by one of our most prominent scholars who brings researchers from several countries together to provide cross-national perspectives and debate. Through this series we hope to introduce readers to scholarship in their field they may not yet know, and open scholarship debate to a wider set of perspectives. We feel fortunate to be working with Cambridge University Press. Their rigorous independent scholarly reviews and board approval process helps ensure that only the highest-quality scholarship is published. We feel confident that scholars will find these books useful to their own research programs, as well as in their doctoral courses.
Books (5)
И? Как выстраивать отношения с помощью изобретательных переговоров / (AND?: How to Build Relationships through Inventive Negotiation - Russian)
Стив Джобс использовал этот подход, чтобы заключить более выгодную сделку с Disney. Джордж Митчелл и Мэри Робинсон применяли его, чтобы помочь положить конец многолетней войне в Северной Ирландии. А вы сможете использовать его в своей жизни и работе, чтобы добиваться лучших результатов на долгие годы. И что же это? Книга «Изобретательные переговоры» предлагает четкий набор шагов, которые помогут выстраивать долгосрочные отношения вместо затяжной вражды. Богато иллюстрированная реальными историями со всего мира, а также основанная на последних достижениях нейробиологии и поведенческой экономики, эта книга покажет вам, как получить не просто больший кусок пирога, но и инструменты для создания целой фабрики пирогов. Узнайте, что общего между переговорщиками по освобождению заложников и клоунами. Как подросток смог одержать верх над телефонной компанией. Что нужно, чтобы попасть в тюрьму в Боливии или выбраться из лагеря террористов в Колумбии. Почему в Корее важно аккуратно обращаться со стульями. Каждый пример иллюстрирует принцип, отточенный многолетним опытом авторов, охватывающим всё — от строительства нефтепроводов до достижения международного мира. Овладев искусством и наукой Изобретательных переговоров, вы больше никогда не захотите довольствоваться ни транзакционным, ни интегративным подходом к переговорам. / Steve Jobs used it to cut a better deal with Disney. George Mitchell and Mary Robinson used it to help end a decades-long war in Northern Ireland. And you can use it in your life and work to get better outcomes for years to come. AND? Inventive Negotiation provides a concrete set of steps that can help build long-term relationships instead of lasting enmity. Lavishly illustrated with real life stories from around the world, plus the latest neuroscience and behavioral economics, this book will show you how to get more than your share of the pie - it gives you the tools to build a pie factory. Learn what hostage negotiators and clowns have in common. How a teen bested the phone company. What it takes to talk your way into a prison in Bolivia, or out of a terrorist camp in Colombia. Why you need to handle your chairs carefully in Korea. Every example demonstrates a principle perfected by the authors' decades of experience in everything from oil-pipelines to international peace. Once you've learned the art and science of Inventive Negotiation, you'll never be satisfied with transactional or integrative bargaining again.
和?如何通过创造性谈判建立关系 / (AND?: How to Build Relationships through Inventive Negotiation - Chinese)
史蒂夫·乔布斯利用它与迪士尼达成了更好的交易,乔治·米切尔和玛丽·罗宾逊利用它帮助结束了北爱尔兰长达数十年的战争,而你也可以在生活和工作中使用它,让未来的岁月收获更多精彩。《和?如何通过创造性谈判建立关系》()提供了一整套的具体步骤,帮助人们建立长期关系,摒弃持久的对立。本书以丰富的真实案例为支撑,这些故事来自世界各地,并结合了最新的神经科学和行为经济学理论。这本书不仅教会你如何分得更多蛋糕,还赋予你建造“蛋糕工厂”的工具。 想知道解救人质谈判专家和小丑之间的共同点,或者一个青少年如何抗争一家电话公司,或者有人如何慧心巧舌进入玻利维亚的监狱或从哥伦比亚的恐怖分子营地脱身,再或者想知道为什么在韩国需要小心处置你的椅子?每个案例都演示了作者在从石油管道到国际和平的多年服务经验中精心提炼的谈判原则。一旦你学会了“创造性谈判”的艺术与科学,你将再也无法满足于传统的交易式或整合式谈判了。/ Steve Jobs used it to cut a better deal with Disney. George Mitchell and Mary Robinson used it to help end a decades-long war in Northern Ireland. And you can use it in your life and work to get better outcomes for years to come. AND? Inventive Negotiation provides a concrete set of steps that can help build long-term relationships instead of lasting enmity. Lavishly illustrated with real life stories from around the world, plus the latest neuroscience and behavioral economics, this book will show you how to get more than your share of the pie - it gives you the tools to build a pie factory. Learn what hostage negotiators and clowns have in common. How a teen bested the phone company. What it takes to talk your way into a prison in Bolivia, or out of a terrorist camp in Colombia. Why you need to handle your chairs carefully in Korea. Every example demonstrates a principle perfected by the authors' decades of experience in everything from oil-pipelines to international peace. Once you've learned the art and science of Inventive Negotiation, you'll never be satisfied with transactional or integrative bargaining again.
I? Як вибудовувати відносини за допомогою винахідливих переговорів / (AND?: How to Build Relationships through Inventive Negotiation - Ukrainian)
Стів Джобс використав цей підхід, щоб укласти вигіднішу угоду з Disney. Джордж Мітчелл і Мері Робінсон застосували його, щоб допомогти покласти край багаторічній війні в Північній Ірландії. А ви зможете використовувати його у своєму житті та роботі, щоб досягати кращих результатів протягом багатьох років. І що ж це? Книга «Винахідливі переговори» пропонує чіткий набір кроків, які допоможуть будувати довгострокові відносини замість затяжної ворожнечі. Щедро ілюстрована реальними історіями з усього світу, а також заснована на останніх досягненнях нейробіології та поведінкової економіки, ця книга покаже вам, як отримати не просто більшу частину пирога, а й інструменти для створення цілої фабрики пирогів. Дізнайтеся, що спільного між переговорниками із заручниками та клоунами. Як підліток зумів перемогти телефонну компанію. Що потрібно, щоб потрапити до в’язниці в Болівії або вибратися з табору терористів у Колумбії. Чому в Кореї важливо обережно поводитися зі стільцями. Кожен приклад ілюструє принцип, відточений багаторічним досвідом авторів, який охоплює все — від будівництва нафтопроводів до досягнення міжнародного миру. Опанувавши мистецтво та науку Винахідливих переговорів, ви більше ніколи не захочете задовольнятися ні транзакційним, ні інтегративним підходом до переговорів. / Steve Jobs used it to cut a better deal with Disney. George Mitchell and Mary Robinson used it to help end a decades-long war in Northern Ireland. And you can use it in your life and work to get better outcomes for years to come. AND? Inventive Negotiation provides a concrete set of steps that can help build long-term relationships instead of lasting enmity. Lavishly illustrated with real life stories from around the world, plus the latest neuroscience and behavioral economics, this book will show you how to get more than your share of the pie - it gives you the tools to build a pie factory. Learn what hostage negotiators and clowns have in common. How a teen bested the phone company. What it takes to talk your way into a prison in Bolivia, or out of a terrorist camp in Colombia. Why you need to handle your chairs carefully in Korea. Every example demonstrates a principle perfected by the authors' decades of experience in everything from oil-pipelines to international peace. Once you've learned the art and science of Inventive Negotiation, you'll never be satisfied with transactional or integrative bargaining again.