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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The University of California Publications in Entomology is a monographic series devoted to the biology of insects and other terrestrial arthropods. The series has traditionally emphasized insect systematics, but monographs on biogeography, evolution, population biology, behavioral ecology and comparative biology are also welcomed.

Submission Guidelines: All submissions should be directed to the chair of the series editorial board. Note that if a manuscript is approved for publication, the author will need to provide digital files suitable for printing.

Editorial Board

Philip S. Ward, Chair University of California, Davis Bradford A. Hawkins University of California, Irvine John Heraty University of California, Riverside Lynn S. Kimsey University of California, Davis Serguei V. Triapitsyn University of California Penny Gullan University of California Kipling Will University of California

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Cover page of Taxonomic Revision of the Ant Genus Linepithema (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Taxonomic Revision of the Ant Genus Linepithema (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)


The primarily Neotropical dolichoderine ant genus Linepithema is revised at the species level for the first time. Morphological and biogeographic data support the recognition of 19 species. The following taxonomic scheme is proposed: L. angulatum (Emery) stat. nov. [= pordescens (Wheeler) syn. nov.], L. dispertitum (Forel), L. flavescens (Wheeler & Mann) stat. nov., L. fuscum Mayr, L. gallardoi (Brèthes) [=breviscapa (Santschi) syn. nov. = impotens (Santschi) syn. nov.], L. humile (Mayr) [=arrogans (Chopard) = riograndense (Borgmeier)], L. iniquum (Mayr) [= bicolor (Forel) syn. nov. = dominicense (Wheeler) syn. nov. = fuscescens (Wheeler) syn. nov. = melleum (Wheeler) syn. nov. = nigellum (Emery) syn. nov. = succineum (Forel) syn. nov.], L. keiteli (Forel) [= subfaciatum (Wheeler & Mann) syn. nov.], L. leucomelas (Emery) [= aspidocoptum (Kempf) syn. nov.], L. micans (Forel) stat. nov. [= platense (Forel) syn. nov. = scotti (Santschi) syn. nov.], L. oblongum (Santschi), L. piliferum (Mayr). Seven species are described as new: L. anathema sp. nov., L. aztecoides sp. nov., L. cerradense sp. nov., L. cryptobioticum sp. nov., L. neotropicum sp. nov., L. pulex sp. nov., and L. tsachila sp. nov.. Seventeen species are sorted into one of four groups associated with the species L. fuscum, L. humile, L. iniquum, or L. neotropicum, and two species are left unassigned. New generic diagnoses are provided for worker, male, and queen castes, and Shattuck’s (1992a) generic descriptions of the worker, male, and queen castes are modified slightly to take into account expanded knowledge of character state variation. Worker and, where known, male and queen castes are described. Diagnoses, illustrations, and keys are supplied for worker and male castes. Discussions of variation, comparisons to similar species, and nomenclatural issues are given for each species, as well as synopses of life history traits such as queen number, colony structure, geographic distribution, nest site and habitat records, and associations with parasitoid Pseudacteon flies (Diptera: Phoridae).

Cover page of An Annotated Catalog of the Type Material of Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in the Entomology Research Museum, University of California at Riverside

An Annotated Catalog of the Type Material of Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in the Entomology Research Museum, University of California at Riverside


The catalog provides information on the type material of 75 valid species of the genus Aphytis Howard (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in the collection of the Entomology Research Museum, University of California, Riverside. 7,390 specimens were remounted from Hoyer's medium into Canada balsam, including 309 primary types, 2,473 secondary types, and 4,608 non-type specimens. Lecotypes are designated for 11 species

Cover page of California Cuckoo Wasps in the Family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera)

California Cuckoo Wasps in the Family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera)


Species and genera of the wasp family Chrysididae in California are reviewed and their California and overall distributions mapped. In addition, keys to California genera and species, and discussions of these species are given. Three new synonymies are given, Chrysis eurekana Linsenmaier 1994 and Chrysis angustianalis Linsenmaier 1994 under Chrysis nitidula Fabricius, and Chrysis antiochicola Linsenmaier 1994 under Chrysis schusteri Bohart 1982.

Cover page of Revision of the Modified Mouthparts Species Group of Hawaiian Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae): The Ceratostoma, Freycinetiae, Semifuscata, and Setiger Subgroups, and Unplaced Species

Revision of the Modified Mouthparts Species Group of Hawaiian Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae): The Ceratostoma, Freycinetiae, Semifuscata, and Setiger Subgroups, and Unplaced Species


The modified mouthparts group is perhaps the largest of the four major Hawaiian Drosophila clades, yet has received relatively little taxonomic attention during the past 40 years. This study reviews unplaced species and the ceratostoma, freycinetiae, semifuscata, and setiger subgroups, with descriptions of 22 new species. We hope this work encourages greater study of the biology of this important group.

Cover page of The Ants of Fiji

The Ants of Fiji


The ant fauna of the Fijian archipelago is a diverse assemblage of endemic radiations, pan-Pacific species, and exotics introduced from around the world. Here we provide a taxonomic synopsis of the entire Fijian ant fauna by incorporating previously published information with the results of a recently completed, archipelago-wide biodiversity inventory. This synopsis updates the first and only other treatment of the fauna, W. M. Mann’s 1921 monograph, The Ants of the Fiji Islands. A total of 187 ant species representing 43 genera are recognized here. Of these species, 88% are native to the Pacific region, 70% are endemic to Fiji, and 12% are introduced into the Pacific region. Approximately 45 ant species in Fiji are undescribed, and are identified here by assigned code names. An illustrated key to genera, synopses of each species, keys to species of all genera, and a species list is provided. The work is further illustrated with specimen images, distribution maps, and habitat-elevation charts for all species. Seven taxa are promoted to full species status: Camponotus fijianus Özdikmen, stat. n., Camponotus kadi Mann stat. n., C. levuanus Mann stat. n., C. sadinus Mann stat. n., C. umbratilis Wheeler stat.n., Poecilomyrma myrmecodiae Mann stat. n., Romblonella liogaster (Santschi) stat. n. The following five taxa are revived from synonymy: Hypoponera eutrepta (Wilson) stat. rev., H. vitiensis (Mann) stat. rev., Monomorium vitiense (Mann) stat. rev., Paraparatrechina oceanica (Mann) stat. rev., N. vitiensis (Mann) stat. rev. The following new synonymies are proposed (senior synonym listed first): Camponotus cristatus Mann = C. cristatus nagasau Mann; C. kadi Mann = C. loloma Mann = C. trotteri Mann; C. polynesicus Emery = C. maudella Mann = C. maudella seemanni Mann = C. janussus Bolton; Pheidole knowlesi Mann = P. extensa Mann; Philidris nagasau (Mann) = P. alticola (Mann) = P. agnatus (Mann); Romblonella liogaster (Santschi) = R. vitiensis Smith, M. Lectotypes are designated for the following species: Camponotus vitiensis Mann, Gnamptogenys aterrima (Mann), Poecilomyrma senirewae Mann.

Cover page of International Advances in the Ecology, Zoogeography and Systematics of Mayflies and Stoneflies

International Advances in the Ecology, Zoogeography and Systematics of Mayflies and Stoneflies


The purpose of this volume is to encourage and facilitate focused research and provide a forum for scholarly exchange about the status of Mayfly and Stonefly science. Professor John Brittain, whose research is focused on freshwater entomology, especially egg development and life cycle strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, presents a chapter reflecting on the quality of mayflies as good indicators of global warming and the quality of streams and lakes. Professor Emeritus Andrew Sheldon, whose interests have encompassed community and population ecology of aquatic animals over a span of more than 40 years, especially insects and fishes, explores topics of Scale and Hierarchy and the Ecology of Plecoptera, discussing how studies emphasizing scale and perspective reveal importance of stoneflies to ecosystems. Other topics cover a broad base of disciplines including morphology, physiology, phylogeny, taxonomy, ecology and conservation. The chapters have been compiled into three sections for this volume: Ecology, Zoogeography and Systematics.

Cover page of Species Revision and Generic Systematics of World Rileyinae (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae)

Species Revision and Generic Systematics of World Rileyinae (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae)


The subfamily Rileyinae (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) is redefined to contain 6 genera and 69 species for which keys are provided. Two morphological data sets, analyzed via maximum parsimony with PAUP*, yield hypotheses on the placement of Rileyinae within Eurytomidae and internal relationships of Rileyinae. Tables detailing host utilization for Eurytomidae (genera), Rileyinae (species), and confirmed/suspected plant associations for Rileyinae are included.

Cover page of Phylogenetic Relationships within Heliodinidae and Systematics of Moths Formerly Assigned to Heliodines Stainton (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea)

Phylogenetic Relationships within Heliodinidae and Systematics of Moths Formerly Assigned to Heliodines Stainton (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea)


Heliodinidae traditionally have been characterized on the basis of forewing venation, color and scaling, and perch behavior, but none of these attributes defines monophyly. We identify four uniquely derived autapomorphies for the family: (1) M vein of forewing two-branched, presumably with M3 lost; (2)tegumen greatly expanded posteriorly, forming a sclerotized, hollow tube; (3)ventral branches of apophyses anteriores originating from a fused transverse bridge; and (4) pupa with long, stiff dorsal and lateral setae. Phylogenetic relationships among genera and species groups of world Heliodinidae are constructed using parsimony and character compatibility as optimality criteria, with representatives of six other families of Yponomeutoidea as outgroups. Results of the analyses show Heliodines Stainton, as formerly recognized (i.e., all the species with conspicuous red markings on the forewings), to be a polyphyletic assemblage. To accommodate the New World fauna, two old names, Aetole Chambers and Embola Walsingham, have been resurrected from synonymy, and three new genera are described: Neoheliodines Hsu (Type species: Heliodines nyctaginella Gibson, 1914), Heliogemma Hsu (Type species: H. gigantea Hsu), and Euheliodines Hsu (Type species: E. chemsaki Hsu). The South American genus Crembalastis Meyrick is synonymized with Embola. A descriptive taxonomy is provided for North and Central American and Caribbean species formerly assigned to Heliodines; 45 species are treated, 25 of which are described as new: Aetole fulgida (TL: Sinaloa, Mexico), A. prenticei (Calif.), A. eximia (Baja Calif., Mexico), A. insolita (El Salvador), A. cera (Calif.), A. favonia (Calif.), A.inusitata (Baja Calif., Mexico), A. aprica (Texas), A. calciferoides (Veracruz, Mexico); Embola autumnalis (Ariz.), E. cyanozostera (Nevada), E. friedlanderi (San Luis Potosí, Mexico), E. melanotela (Haiti); Euheliodines chemsaki (S. L. P.,Mexico), E. jaliscella (Jalisco, Mexico); Heliogemma gigantea (Jalisco, Mexico), H. grandis (Tamaulipas, Mexico), H. preclara (Jalisco, Mexico); Neoheliodines albidentus (Ariz.), N. arizonense (Ariz.), N. eurypterus (Ariz.), N. hodgesi (Ariz.), N. megostiellus (Jalisco, Mexico), N. melanobasilarus (San Luis Potosí, Mexico), N. vernius (Calif.). The remaining genera of Heliodinidae s. str. are listed, and we provide diagnoses, illustrations of genitalia for representative species, literature references, and a list of described species. Adults of many Heliodinidae hold their hind legs elevated above the body when perched, which has been regarded as characteristic of the family. However, it is neither limited to heliodinids nor common to all of them. All species of Aetole and Scelorthus and some species of Embola and Copocentra hold the legs elevated, while observed members of other genera do not. The function of this behavior is uncertain. Larval host plants are recorded for 33 species (14 newly discovered during this study), about 45% of the described world fauna; 30 (90%) of these are specialists on Caryophyllales, especially Nyctaginaceae. The remaining three are members of three unrelated genera, and they feed on plants in three orders (Piperales, Apiales, and Myrtales). Phylogenetic analyses indicate these are derived adaptations from a Caryophyllales-feeding ground plan.

Cover page of A Taxonomic Revision and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Ant Genus Gnamptogenys Roger in Southeast Asia and Australasia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae)

A Taxonomic Revision and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Ant Genus Gnamptogenys Roger in Southeast Asia and Australasia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae)


A taxonomic revision of the genus Gnamptogenys Roger in Southeast Asia and Australasia, based on the workers, recognizes forty nine species, twenty five of which are new, as follows: G. albiclava (Mann), G. aterrima (Mann), G. atrata sp. n., G. bicolor (Emery), G. biloba sp. n., G. binghamii (Forel), G. biroi (Emery), G. bulbopila sp. n., G. chapmani Brown, G. costata (Emery), G. coxalis (Roger), G. crassicornis (Forel), G. crenaticeps (Mann), G. cribrata (Emery), G. delta sp. n., G. epinotalis (Emery), G. fistulosa sp. n., G. gabata sp. n., G. gastrodeia sp. n., G. grammodes Brown, G. helisa sp. n., G. hyalina sp. n., G. lacunosa sp. n., G. laevior (Forel), G. leiolabia sp. n., G. lucida (Mann), G. luzonensis (Wheeler), G. macretes Brown, G. major (Emery), G. malaensis (Mann), G. meghalaya sp. n., G. menadensis (Mayr), G. niuguinense sp. n., G. ortostoma sp. n.,G. palamala sp. n.,G. panda (Brown), G. paso sp. n., G. pertusa sp. n., G. polytreta sp. n., G. posteropsis (Gregg), G. preciosa sp. n., G. rugodens sp. n., G. scalpta sp. n., G. sichuanensis sp. n., G. sila sp. n., G. sinensis Wu and Xiao, G. solomonensis sp. n., G. taivanensis (Wheeler), and G. treta sp. n. Five new synonymies are proposed: G. bicolor = G. bannana Xu and Zhang; G. crassicornis = G. spiralis (Karavaiev); G. cribrata = G. diehlii (Forel) = G. dammermani (Wheeler); G. laevior = G. kalabit Brown. Keys, illustrations, and species accounts are provided. Five species groups are recognized. A phylogenetic analysis for nineteen terminal taxa and sixty morphological characters using parsimony was carried out with PAUP, using the following taxa as outgroups: Heteroponera Mayr, Platythyrea Roger, and Myrmica incompleta Provancher. Four Old World Gnamptogenys species groups, as well as five individual species of a weakly supported clade were part of the ingroup. Additional ingroup taxa included five New World species of Gnamptogenys, Ectatomma F. Smith, and the hytidoponera impressa group. Monophyly of a clade formed by the genera Ectatomma, Rhytidoponera Mayr, and Gnamptogenys Roger is strongly supported. Monophyly of Gnamptogenys is supported by loss of a fore tibial seta. Neotropical taxa form sister relationships with Old World lineages at several points in the tree.