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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Open Access Policy Deposits

This series is automatically populated with publications deposited by UC Santa Cruz Department of Mathematics researchers in accordance with the University of California’s open access policies. For more information see Open Access Policy Deposits and the UC Publication Management System.

Cover page of The negative energy N-body problem has finite diameter

The negative energy N-body problem has finite diameter


The Jacobi-Maupertuis metric provides a reformulation of the classical N-body problem as a geodesic flow on an energy-dependent metric space denoted $M_E$ where $E$ is the energy of the problem. We show that $M_E$ has finite diameter for $E < 0$. Consequently $M_E$ has no metric rays. Motivation comes from work of Burgos- Maderna and Polimeni-Terracini for the case $E \ge 0$ and from a need to correct an error made in a previous ``proof''. We show that $M_E$ has finite diameter for $E < 0$ by showing that there is a constant $D$ such that all points of the Hill region lie a distance $D$ from the Hill boundary. (When $E \ge 0$ the Hill boundary is empty.) The proof relies on a game of escape which allows us to quantify the escape rate from a closed subset of configuration space, and the reduction of this game to one of escaping the boundary of a polyhedral convex cone into its interior.

Cover page of The Honest Embedding Dimension of a Numerical Semigroup

The Honest Embedding Dimension of a Numerical Semigroup


Attached to a singular analytic curve germ in $d$-space is a numerical semigroup: a subset $S$ of the non-negative integers which is closed under addition and whose complement isfinite. Conversely, associated to any numerical semigroup $S$ is a canonical mononial curve in $e$-space where $e$ is the number of minimal generators of the semigroup. It may happen that $d < e = e(S)$ where $S$ is the semigroup of the curve in $d$-space. Define the minimal (or `honest') embedding of a numerical semigroup to be the smallest $d$ such that $S$ is realized by a curve in $d$-space. Problem: characterize the numerical semigroups having minimal embedding dimension $d$. The answer is known for the case $d=2$ of planar curves and reviewed in an Appendix to this paper. The case $d =3$ of the problem is open. Our main result is a characterization of the multiplicity $4$ numerical semigroups whose minimal embedding dimension is $3$. See figure 1. The motivation for this work came from thinking about Legendrian curve singularities.

Cover page of No infinite spin for planar total collision

No infinite spin for planar total collision


The infinite spin problem is an old problem concerning the rotational behavior of total collision orbits in the n-body problem. It has long been known that when a solution tends to total collision then its normalized configuration curve must converge to the set of normalized central configurations. In the planar n-body problem every normalized configuration determines a circle of rotationally equivalent normalized configurations and, in particular, there are circles of normalized central configurations. It’s conceivable that by means of an infinite spin, a total collision solution could converge to such a circle instead of to a particular point on it. Here we prove that this is not possible, at least if the limiting circle of central configurations is isolated from other circles of central configurations. (It is believed that all central configurations are isolated, but this is not known in general.) Our proof relies on combining the center manifold theorem with the Łojasiewicz gradient inequality.

Cover page of The Kepler Cone, Maclaurin Duality and Jacobi-Maupertuis metrics

The Kepler Cone, Maclaurin Duality and Jacobi-Maupertuis metrics


The Kepler problem is the special case $\alpha = 1$ of the power law problem: to solve Newton's equations for a central force whose potential is of the form $-\mu/r^{\alpha}$ where $\mu$ is a coupling constant. Associated to such a problem is a two-dimensional cone with cone angle $2 \pi c$ with $c = 1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}$. We construct a transformation taking the geodesics of this cone to the zero energy solutions of the $\alpha$-power law problem. The `Kepler Cone' is the cone associated to the Kepler problem. This zero-energy cone transformation is a special case of a transformation discovered by Maclaurin in the 1740s transforming the $\alpha$- power law problem for any energies to a `Maclaurin dual' $\gamma$-power law problem where $\gamma = \frac{2 \alpha}{2-\alpha}$ and which, in the process, mixes up the energy of one problem with the coupling constant of the other. We derive Maclaurin duality using the Jacobi-Maupertuis metric reformulation of mechanics. We then use the conical metric to explain properties of Rutherford-type scattering off power law potentials at positive energies. The one possibly new result in the paper concerns ``star-burst curves'' which arise as limits of families negative energy solutions as their angular momentum tends to zero. We relate geodesic scattering on the cone to Rutherford type scattering of beams of solutions in the potential. We describe some history around Maclaurin duality and give two derivations of the Jacobi-Maupertuis metric reformulation of classical mechanics. The piece is expository, aimed at an upper-division undergraduate. Think American Math. Monthly.

Cover page of Compactification of the energy surfaces for n bodies

Compactification of the energy surfaces for n bodies


For n bodies moving in Euclidean d-space under the influence of a homogeneous pair interaction we compactify every center-of-mass energy surface, obtaining a 2d(n -1)-1 - dimensional manifold with corners in the sense of Melrose. After a time change, the flow on this manifold is globally defined and non-trivial on the boundary.

Stratification and the comparison between homological and tensor triangular support


Abstract: We compare the homological support and tensor triangular support for ‘big’ objects in a rigidly-compactly generated tensor triangulated category. We prove that the comparison map from the homological spectrum to the tensor triangular spectrum is a bijection and that the two notions of support coincide whenever the category is stratified, extending the work of Balmer. Moreover, we clarify the relations between salient properties of support functions and exhibit counter-examples highlighting the differences between homological and tensor triangular support.