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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Department of Physics

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This series is automatically populated with publications deposited by UC San Diego Department of Physics researchers in accordance with the University of California’s open access policies. For more information see Open Access Policy Deposits and the UC Publication Management System.

Density fluctuation statistics and turbulence spreading at the edge of L–mode plasmas


Long-wavelength density fluctuations ( k ρ i <1) are studied using beam emission spectroscopy (BES) at the edge of DIII-D L-mode plasmas ( ρ = 0.88-1.1) in scenarios with electron cyclotron heating (ECH) power ramp ( P ECH up to 1.5 MW), neutral beam injection (NBI) power ramp ( P NBI up to 2.5 MW), and injected torque scan (−1 < T inj <0.6 Nm). We find that broadband turbulent density fluctuations ( f ∼ 20-120 kHz) have a non-Gaussian distribution. The skewness of δ n / n changes sign from negative at ρ <0.95-0.97 to positive at ρ > 0.97, indicating the prevalence of density ‘voids’ at inner radii and density ‘blobs’ at outer radii and outside of the separatrix. The turbulence intensity flux ⟨ v ~ r n ~ 2 ⟩ is calculated to characterize turbulence spreading at the plasma edge. During ECH/NBI power ramps and at counter- I p injected torque, ⟨ v ~ r n ~ 2 ⟩ is directed inward inside the separatrix, which is evidence of inward spreading of turbulence intensity from the edge gradient region caused by the inner propagation of density ‘voids’. Significantly weaker ⟨ v ~ r n ~ 2 ⟩ is observed with co- I p torque. A correlation between co- I p torque, turbulence intensity δ n / n at ρ = 0.97, and increased srape-off layer (SOL) heat flux decay length λ q is found in the torque scan scenario, showing that edge turbulence plays a material role in determining the SOL conditions and heat flux width.

Overview of recent experimental results on the EAST Tokamak


Since the last IAEA-FEC in 2021, significant progress on the development of long pulse steady state scenario and its related key physics and technologies have been achieved, including the reproducible 403 s long-pulse steady-state H-mode plasma with pure radio frequency (RF) power heating. A thousand-second time scale (∼1056 s) fully non-inductive plasma with high injected energy up to 1.73 GJ has also been achieved. The EAST operational regime of high βP has been significantly extended (H98y2 > 1.3, βP ∼ 4.0, βN ∼ 2.4 and ne/nGW ∼ 1.0) using RF and neutral beam injection (NBI). The full edge localized mode suppression using the n = 4 resonant magnetic perturbations has been achieved in ITER-like standard type-I ELMy H-mode plasmas with q95 ≈ 3.1 on EAST, extrapolating favorably to the ITER baseline scenario. The sustained large ELM control and stable partial detachment have been achieved with Ne seeding. The underlying physics of plasma-beta effect for error field penetration, where toroidal effect dominates, is disclosed by comparing the results in cylindrical theory and MARS-Q simulation in EAST. Breakdown and plasma initiation at low toroidal electric fields (<0.3 V m−1) with EC pre-ionization is developed. A beneficial role on the lower hybrid wave injection to control the tungsten concentration in the NBI discharge is observed for the first time in EAST suggesting a potential way toward steady-state H-mode NBI operation.

Recent advance progress of HL-3 experiments


Since the first plasma realized in 2020, a series of key systems on HL-3 (known as HL-2M before) tokamak have been equipped/upgraded, including in-vessel components (the first wall, lower divertor, and toroidal cryogenic/water-cooling/baking/glow discharge systems, etc.), auxiliary heating system of 11 MW, and 28 diagnostic systems (to measure the plasma density electron temperature, radiation, magnetic field, etc.). Magnet field systems were commissioned firstly for divertor plasma discharges. During the 2nd experimental campaign of HL-3 tokamak, several great progresses have been achieved. Firstly, the successful operation with plasma current larger than 1 MA was achieved under a divertor configuration. Secondly, the advanced divertor concept with two distinct snowflake configurations was realized. It is found that the distribution of ion saturation current and heat flux on bottom plate becomes wide due to magnetic surface expansion, demonstrating the advantage of such configuration in the heat flux mitigation. In addition, using the combination of NBI, ECRH and LHCD, the standard sawtoothing high confinement mode of megampere plasma was firstly accessed on the HL-3. The successful commissioning of HL-3 is beneficial for the initial operation of ITER.

J-TEXT achievements in turbulence and transport in support of future device/reactor


Abstract: Following the reconstruction of the TEXT tokamak at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, renamed as J-TEXT, a plethora of experimental and theoretical investigations has been conducted to elucidate the intricacies of turbulent transport within the tokamak configuration. These endeavors encompass not only the J-TEXT device’s experimental advancements but also delve into critical issues pertinent to the optimization of future fusion devices and reactors. The research includes topics on the suppression of turbulence, flow drive and damping, density limit, non-local transport, intrinsic toroidal flow, turbulence and flow with magnetic islands, turbulent transport in the stochastic layer, and turbulence and zonal flow with energetic particles or helium ash. Several important achievements have been made in the last few years, which will be further elaborated upon in this comprehensive review.

Cover page of Electronic interactions in Dirac fluids visualized by nano-terahertz spacetime interference of electron-photon quasiparticles.

Electronic interactions in Dirac fluids visualized by nano-terahertz spacetime interference of electron-photon quasiparticles.


Ultraclean graphene at charge neutrality hosts a quantum critical Dirac fluid of interacting electrons and holes. Interactions profoundly affect the charge dynamics of graphene, which is encoded in the properties of its electron-photon collective modes: surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Here, we show that polaritonic interference patterns are particularly well suited to unveil the interactions in Dirac fluids by tracking polaritonic interference in time at temporal scales commensurate with the electronic scattering. Spacetime SPP interference patterns recorded in terahertz (THz) frequency range provided unobstructed readouts of the group velocity and lifetime of polariton that can be directly mapped onto the electronic spectral weight and the relaxation rate. Our data uncovered prominent departures of the electron dynamics from the predictions of the conventional Fermi-liquid theory. The deviations are particularly strong when the densities of electrons and holes are approximately equal. The proposed spacetime imaging methodology can be broadly applied to probe the electrodynamics of quantum materials.

Cover page of The endoplasmic reticulum as an active liquid network.

The endoplasmic reticulum as an active liquid network.


The peripheral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) forms a dense, interconnected, and constantly evolving network of membrane-bound tubules in eukaryotic cells. While individual structural elements and the morphogens that stabilize them have been described, a quantitative understanding of the dynamic large-scale network topology remains elusive. We develop a physical model of the ER as an active liquid network, governed by a balance of tension-driven shrinking and new tubule growth. This minimalist model gives rise to steady-state network structures with density and rearrangement timescales predicted from the junction mobility and tubule spawning rate. Several parameter-independent geometric features of the liquid network model are shown to be representative of ER architecture in live mammalian cells. The liquid network model connects the timescales of distinct dynamic features such as ring closure and new tubule growth in the ER. Furthermore, it demonstrates how the steady-state network morphology on a cellular scale arises from the balance of microscopic dynamic rearrangements.

Cover page of Hydrogen-Induced Topotactic Phase Transformations of Cobaltite Thin Films

Hydrogen-Induced Topotactic Phase Transformations of Cobaltite Thin Films


Manipulating physical properties through ion migration in complex oxide thin films is an emerging research direction to achieve tunable materials for advanced applications. While the reduction of complex oxides has been widely reported, few reports exist on the modulation of physical properties through a direct hydrogenation process. Here, we report an unusual mechanism for hydrogen-induced topotactic phase transitions in perovskite La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 thin films. Hydrogenation is performed upon annealing in a pure hydrogen gas environment, offering a direct understanding of the role that hydrogen plays at the atomic scale in these transitions. Topotactic phase transformations from the perovskite (P) to hydrogenated-brownmillerite (H-BM) phase can be induced at temperatures as low as 220 °C, while at higher hydrogenation temperatures (320-400 °C), the progression toward more reduced phases is hindered. Density functional theory calculations suggest that hydroxyl bonds are formed with the introduction of hydrogen ions, which lower the formation energy of oxygen vacancies of the neighboring oxygen, enabling the transition from the P to H-BM phase at low temperatures. Furthermore, the impact on the magnetic and electronic properties of the hydrogenation temperature is investigated. Our research provides a potential pathway for utilizing hydrogen as a basis for low-temperature modulation of complex oxide thin films, with potential applications in neuromorphic computing.

Cover page of Landau-phonon polaritons in Dirac heterostructures.

Landau-phonon polaritons in Dirac heterostructures.


Polaritons are light-matter quasiparticles that govern the optical response of quantum materials at the nanoscale, enabling on-chip communication and local sensing. Here, we report Landau-phonon polaritons (LPPs) in magnetized charge-neutral graphene encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). These quasiparticles emerge from the interaction of Dirac magnetoexciton modes in graphene with the hyperbolic phonon polariton modes in hBN. Using infrared magneto-nanoscopy, we reveal the ability to completely halt the LPP propagation in real space at quantized magnetic fields, defying the conventional optical selection rules. The LPP-based nanoscopy also tells apart two fundamental many-body phenomena: the Fermi velocity renormalization and field-dependent magnetoexciton binding energies. Our results highlight the potential of magnetically tuned Dirac heterostructures for precise nanoscale control and sensing of light-matter interaction.