Smith (2015) describes an explosion of interest in Benford’s
law, that for data from many domains the first digits have a log
distribution. Few studies have similarly asked whether the
numbers people generate fit to Benford’s law, but recent data
show a reasonable fit. This paper argues that testing for fit to
Benford’s law is the wrong question for behavioural data,
instead we should think in terms of a “Benford bias” in which
the first-digit distribution is distorted towards Benford’s law.
We propose calculating the effect size of this bias by testing a
linear contrast weighted by Benford’s law. Analyses of existing
data sets yielded effect sizes of 0.43-0.52. Applying this
approach to a new task extended the scope of Benford bias to
predicting outputs of a linear system and found an effect size
of .40. Benford bias may be a ubiquitous influence on
judgments and decisions based on numbers.