The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects
of addressee of verbalization, self or other, on insight problem
solving. Thirty-five participants were assigned to one of the
three conditions: toward-self verbalization, toward-other
verbalization, or irrelevant verbalization (control). A 3-minute
verbalization phase was inserted after 5 minutes of solving the
T-puzzle. The participants were asked to write down their
thoughts during the first 5 minutes as a record in the toward-
self verbalization condition, and as an instruction for other
participants in the toward-other verbalization condition. The
participants in the control condition were required to write
down their concerns. After that, they were asked to engage in
the puzzle again for 10 minutes. The results showed a
detrimental verbalization effect while allowed a wide range of
effects for the self vs other distinction going in either direction.
We are using this study as a basis for a pre-registered repo