There is, in theory, a plausible role for the European Union as the partner of a militarily assertive United States: the peacekeeper that follows in the wake of the peacemaker. The war in Iraq, however, has raised the possibility of a diametrically different role for Europe: as a potential imperial rival to the United States. There is no need to invoke the memory of either Rome or Byzantium to make the case that Europe is capable of spoiling America’s unipolar party. The successful conclusion of accession agreements with ten new member countries – not to mention the sustained appreciation of the euro against the dollar since Kennedy’s article appeared – have seemingly vindicated this analysis. So too, in the eyes of some commentators, has the vociferous and not wholly ineffectual opposition of at least some E.U. member states to American policy in Iraq. If the U.S. has an imperial rival today, then the E.U. appears to be it.
This report presents creative engagement activities based on the Designing with the Sun: Solar Curriculum Project that teaches high school and undergraduate students the principles of solar design and the steps needed to design and build a solar charging station. This in-depth curriculum covers renewable energy, electricity basics, solar design principles, and solar-supported mobility. Each chapter has a PowerPoint presentation, an active learning activity, video clips, and links to learn more. The solar curriculum materials are free for educators and self-learners to download and explore at their own pace. Small-scale solar charging stations provide a living lab for research and a place to recharge e-bikes and e-scooters. Shared micromobility (e-bike and e-scooter fleets) has exploded in popularity on college campuses and can help reduce car ownership and carbon emissions when recharged with the sun. As universities plan for the challenges of the 21st century, incorporating multifaceted forms of renewable energy with electric vehicle charging is a step toward climate action and decarbonization. Creative rethinking on a massive scale is required to meet the goals set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the COP 21 Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals such as numbers 7, Affordable and Clean Energy;9, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; and 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities are all important guides for modeling solar education.
View the NCST Project Webpage
The many-player game of selling an asset, introducced by Sakaguchi and extended to montone voting procedures by Yasuda, Nakagami and Kurano, is reviewed. Conditions for a unique equilibrium among stationary threshold strategies are given for the independent, unanimous consent case.
Electric bicycle charging facilities that support active mobility and public transit connectivity can play a significant role in the global transition to low-carbon energy. Design of an electric bicycle solar charging station can combine solar technology, light transportation infrastructure, and civic place-making to provide the public an opportunity to recharge their mobile electronics, e-bikes, or e-scooters. The proposed station design reimagines public space by providing a shaded seating area during the day and a vibrant, LED-lit space at night. Four solar panels and a battery bank extend the station’s charging capacity into the night. The goal of this project is to serve as an off-grid energy power supply and environmental information center, with interactive displays of the solar station operation and an LED display of local air quality.