Past work has demonstrated infants' robust statistical learning across visual and auditory modalities. However, the specificity of representations produced via visual statistical learning has not been fully explored. The current study addressed this by investigating infants' abilities to identify previously learned object sequences when some object features (e.g., shape, face) aligned with prior learning and other features did not. Experiment 1 replicated past work demonstrating that infants can learn statistical regularities across sequentially presented objects and extended this finding to 16-month-olds. In Experiment 2, infants viewed test sequences in which one object feature (e.g., face) had been removed but the other feature (e.g., shape) was maintained, resulting in failure to identify familiar sequences. We further probed learning specificity by assessing infants' recognition of sequences when one feature was altered rather than removed (Experiment 3) and when one feature was uncorrelated with the original sequence structure (Experiment 4). In both cases, infants failed to identify sequences in which object features were not identical between learning and test. These findings suggest that infants are limited in their ability to generalize the statistical structure of an object sequence when the objects' features do not align between learning and test.