Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) is poised to bring additive manufacturing to multiple American manufacturing sectors owing to its unique combination of rapid print speeds and material options that resemble injection molding thermoplastics. In spite of these benefits, CLIP is still a maturing process. To improve our understanding and control of the process, this project developed a multi-physics computational model that encompasses the coupled chemical-physical processes of photopolymerization and fluid flow to predict part outcomes. A physically predictive model can enable rapid optimization of CLIP and reduce the current cycle time and waste associated with optimization by four-fold. Ultimately, this effort will help open the U.S. $400B plastic manufacturing industry to the key benefits of additive manufacturing, namely mass customization, unlimited design space, and a cost- and energy-effective path to mainstream manufacturing.
In the course of the project we produced a model which coupled fluid-flow, species transport, and photochemistry to model the Carbon CLIP process. As the development proceeded, we validated the code against theory and experiments. The resulting code was transferred to Carbon, and we expect it to be a useful part of their modeling capability. Future work includes improvements to the fluid solver’s robustness and performance, along with the addition of additional physics models.