- Huang, Yen-Lin;
- Nikonov, Dmitri;
- Addiego, Christopher;
- Chopdekar, Rajesh V;
- Prasad, Bhagwati;
- Zhang, Lei;
- Chatterjee, Jyotirmoy;
- Liu, Heng-Jui;
- Farhan, Alan;
- Chu, Ying-Hao;
- Yang, Mengmeng;
- Ramesh, Maya;
- Qiu, Zi Qiang;
- Huey, Bryan D;
- Lin, Chia-Ching;
- Gosavi, Tanay;
- Íñiguez, Jorge;
- Bokor, Jeffrey;
- Pan, Xiaoqing;
- Young, Ian;
- Martin, Lane W;
- Ramesh, Ramamoorthy
Magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature in multiferroic materials, such as BiFeO3, is one of the leading candidates to develop low-power spintronics and emerging memory technologies. Although extensive research activity has been devoted recently to exploring the physical properties, especially focusing on ferroelectricity and antiferromagnetism in chemically modified BiFeO3, a concrete understanding of the magnetoelectric coupling is yet to be fulfilled. We have discovered that La substitutions at the Bi-site lead to a progressive increase in the degeneracy of the potential energy landscape of the BiFeO3 system exemplified by a rotation of the polar axis away from the 〈111〉pc towards the 〈112〉pc discretion. This is accompanied by corresponding rotation of the antiferromagnetic axis as well, thus maintaining the right-handed vectorial relationship between ferroelectric polarization, antiferromagnetic vector and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vector. As a consequence, La-BiFeO3 films exhibit a magnetoelectric coupling that is distinctly different from the undoped BiFeO3 films.