LEF, or Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv, was the main organ (1924-1928) of the Left Front for the Arts (1922-1929), an outgrowth of the avant-garde strain of early Soviet culture spearheaded by Russian Futurism. Its aim included advancing Russian Futurism, as well as developing what was known as "literatura fakta." LEF’s first editor-in-chief was Vladimir Majakovskij, and other regular contributors included writers and critics such as Viktor Shklovskij, Osip Brik, Boris Kushner, Boris Arvatov, Nikolaj Chizhak, Sergej Tret'jakov, Semen Kirsanov, and Nikolaj Aseev. LEF published the work of a number of Soviet (and foreign) writers, including Boris Pasternak, Andrej Kruchenyx, Isaak Babel', etc., as well as artists, designers, and filmmakers such as Aleksandr Rodchenko (LEF's artistic director), Varvara Stepanova, Anton Lavinskij, Lev Kuleshov, Dziga Vertov, Esfir' Shub, Sergej Ejzenshtejn, etc. The first complete electronically accessible table of contents for every issue of LEF follows. Unless otherwise noted, A. M. Rodchenko was responsible for the layout and design for the journal throughout its run.