Holistic processing (HP) and hemispheric lateralization are
both expertise markers of object recognition. For example,
expertise in face and sub-ordinate object perception is shown
to be associated with HP and stronger right hemispheric
lateralization. However, HP is modulated by experiences of
selective attention to parts such as writing experiences of
Chinese characters (Tso, Au, & Hsiao, 2014) and drawing
experiences of faces (Zhou et al., 2011). Meanwhile,
hemispheric lateralization is associated with the decoding
strategy employed in object recognition, such as left
hemispheric lateralization for reading alphabetic scripts and
right hemispheric lateralization for reading logographic
scripts. This study aims at training participants to recognize
the same sets of artificially-created scripts using either wholeword
(Logographic) or grapheme-to-phoneme (Alphabetic)
approaches. We found that both approaches induced strong
HP, though the alphabetic approach induced stronger left
hemisphere advantage than the logographic approach. This
training study demonstrates that HP and hemispheric
lateralization are separate processes that are associated with
different perceptual mechanisms.