Cubic magnesiowustite has been deformed in a diamond anvil cell at room temperature. We present results for (Mg0.4Fe0.6)O, (Mg0.25Fe0.75)O, and (Mg0.1Fe0.9)O up to 37, 16, and 18 GPa, respectively. The diffraction images, obtained with the radial diffraction technique, are analyzed using both single peak intensities and a Rietveld method. For all samples, we observe a [100] fiber texture but the texture strength decreases with increasing iron content. This texture pattern is consistent with {110}-(1-10) slip. The images were also analyzed for stress, elastic strains, and elastic anisotropy. In general, the stress measured in magnesiowustite samples is lower than previously measured on MgO. The elastic anisotropy deduced from the X-ray measurements shows a broad agreement with models based on measurements with other techniques.
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