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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The Archaeological Research Facility (ARF), founded in 1948 as the University of California Archaeological Survey, is a research unit supporting UC Berkeley archaeologists who are faculty members and researchers from a wide-range of academic departments. The ARF provides equipment for field and laboratory research, laboratory space, and internal funding for archaeological studies. In 1965 the ARF began to publish data-rich monographs in the Contributions to the Archaeological Research Facility serial and the ARF Special Publications volumes. Digital versions of most volumes (1965-2005) are available in PDF format at the Foster Anthropology Library's AnthroHub website. Complementing the monograph series, the ARF site on eScholarship hosts digital reports produced from field work and laboratory analysis by Berkeley archaeologists.

Cover page of #Archaeology and #SocialMedia at#ACRNCASPAR

#Archaeology and #SocialMedia at#ACRNCASPAR


CASPAR, the Centre for Audio-Visual Study and Practicein Archaeology and the Archaeology and Communication Research Network held a workshop at UCL’s Institute for Archaeology. The workshop was hashtagged on Twitter as #ACRNCASPAR and it’s been blogged by Daniel Pett. This is a Storified collection of tweets by @jessogden

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