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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Formatting Guidelines

  1. General Formatting
      1. 1-inch margins 

      2. 12-point font

      3. Times New Roman Font

      4. Double-Spaced

      5. Last Name and Page number included in the bottom right corner of every page

      6. Document file name must the following format: year (e.g. LastName_First Name_19) 

      7. Please submit in Microsoft Word Document format 

  2. Abstract
    Please limit your abstract to approximately 250 words. Abstracts should include an overview of the ideas you will explain in your research article. It is also suggested to include the results of your research in a succinct manner.

  3. Citations 
      1. Please use in-text citations in your paper and include them in your References or Works Cited page. 

      2. Include a References or Works Cited page at the end of your article. Include all sources you actually cited in your paper (not all the reading you completed for your Research project). Your citations should follow the format customary to your field of research (e.g. APA, MLA, etc.). If you are not sure, please ask your advisor for help. Make sure your citation style is consistent throughout your entire paper.

  4. Graphics/Images/Figures  
      1. All visuals that were not originally created by the author must be cited and abide by appropriate copyright permissions. 

      2. All text included in visuals must be in black (e.g. captions, titles, etc.). 

      3. All visuals should have captions and labeled appropriately (i.e. title and figure number). 

      4. Your graphics should be saved and submitted using the highest resolution as possible to make sure they are visible when printed.