InterActions is an open access journal hosted by the eScholarship initiative of the California Digital Library, edited and managed by graduate students, based at the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies. Our publication’s authors foster an open and critical dialogue with readers and colleagues through applying diverse social justice frameworks to the discussion of pressing issues in the fields of education and information.
Volume 9, Issue 1, 2013
Editor's Note
Critical Thinking as an Everyday Practice: A Discussion with Sandra Harding about the History of InterActions, Interdisciplinary Scholarship, and Her New Book
On January 9, 2013, InterActions (IA) editors sat down with Professor Sandra Harding for an interview to discuss the history of InterActions under her mentorship, the significance of interdisciplinary and critical scholarship, and the content of her new book, Objectivity and Diversity. The subsequent interview reveals how Dr. Harding’s work has embodied the commitments comprising InterActions’ mission: interdisciplinarity, critical perspectives, social justice, and the development of early career scholars The editors strived to provide IA readers with Professor Harding’s insight on the importance of critical inquiry “as an everyday practice.”
The Difficulty of An Ontology of Live Performance
Live performance presents unique ontological challenges. This paper will attempt to identify and name the elements of live performance, to describe the relationships between those elements, and to account for the variation between them. The primary subject for this ontology will be theatrical performance, but we will attempt to apply the same principles to other kinds of performance, such as music performance, to test whether the conclusions hold.
Old Silver Readings: Mythology, Portraits, and Booker T. Washington
Normative historical narratives of Booker T. Washington continually underestimate the genius of this politically savvy educator. Despite the recent groundswell of interest in photography in the history of education, only a handful of scholars have excavated BTW’s meticulously produced portraits in light of his impact on North American civil rights. Washington’s images did not simply accentuate his message, they possessed an indelible mythological argument in themselves, reifying a time and place not yet achieved in full by his African-American community. While his Tuskegee Institute mostly accommodated the temperaments of White America, his photographs dissolved the very boundaries between black and white.
Literature Reviews
Collaborative Collecting: A Literature Review
This paper reviews literature spanning archival studies, social sciences, and human-computer interaction in order to frame inquiry into the topic area of collaborative collecting. To begin, I present a rationale for the research and frame the topic area in terms of both the social aspects of collecting and the standpoint of archival theory. I then review perspectives on collaborative collecting from human-computer interaction and social media studies. I then frame the topic of collaborative collecting in terms of aspects of collaborative collections, drawing on archival studies concepts. In conclusion, I suggest possible future directions for collections-based research in information studies.
Book Reviews
Review: Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media by Jason Farman
Mobile Interface Theory makes an important step toward a fuller reckoning with the social consequences of mobile technology.
Review: Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929 by Markus Krajewski
Markus Krajewski, a professor of Media History at Bauhaus University in Weimar, describes his book as the first attempt to trace the development of the card catalog, beginning as an aid to libraries’ flood of books and scholars’ deluge of citations, and later as the corporate office’s ubiquitous indexing system, ordering people, money, and inventory. He sees in the paper index card the prototypical universal machine defined by Alan Turing, and for this he puts its in lineage with the jacquard loom, electronic punch cards, the desktop computer, and today’s palm-sized processors.
Review: Oral Tradition and the Internet: Pathways of the Mind by John Miles Foley
Review of Oral Tradition and the Internet: Pathways of the Mind, by John Miles Foley.
Review: Achieving Equity for Latino Students: Expanding the Pathway to Higher Education Through Public Policy by Frances Contreras
Achieving equity for Latino students: Expanding the pathway to higher education through public policy by Frances Contreras
This book is a part of the Multicultural Education Series, Teachers College Press Edited by James A. Banks
Review: The Secret War Between Downloading and Uploading: Tales of the Computer as a Culture Machine by Peter Lunenfeld
An evaluative review of The Secret War Between Downloading and Uploading: Tales of the Computer as a Culture Machine, by Peter Lunenfeld.