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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Combinatorial Theory

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Families with no perfect matchings

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

We consider families of k-subsets of {1,,n}, where n is a multiple of k, which have no perfect matching. An equivalent condition for a family F to have no perfect matching is for there to be a blocking set, which is a set of b elements of {1,,n} that cannot be covered by b disjoint sets in F. We are specifically interested in the largest possible size of a family F with no perfect matching and no blocking set of size less than b. Frankl resolved the case of families with no singleton blocking set (in other words, the b=2 case) for sufficiently large n and conjectured an optimal construction for general b. Though Frankl's construction fails to be optimal for k=2,3, we show that the construction is optimal whenever k100 and n is sufficiently large.

Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05D05

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