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Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022
Research Articles
Polynomiality properties of tropical refined invariants
Tropical refined invariants of toric surfaces constitute a fascinating interpolation between real and complex enumerative geometries via tropical geometry. They were originally introduced by Block and Göttsche, and further extended by Göttsche and Schroeter in the case of rational curves. In this paper, we study the polynomial behavior of coefficients of these tropical refined invariants. We prove that coefficients of small codegree are polynomials in the Newton polygon of the curves under enumeration, when one fixes the genus of the latter. This provides a surprising reappearance, in a dual setting, of the so-called node polynomials and the Göttsche conjecture. Our methods, based on floor diagrams introduced by Mikhalkin and the first author, are entirely combinatorial. Although the combinatorial treatment needed here is different, we follow the overall strategy designed by Fomin and Mikhalkin and further developed by Ardila and Block. Hence our results may suggest phenomena in complex enumerative geometry that have not been studied yet. In the particular case of rational curves, we extend our polynomiality results by including the extra parameter \(s\) recording the number of \(\psi\) classes. Contrary to the polynomiality with respect to \( \Delta\), the one with respect to \(s\) may be expected from considerations on Welschinger invariants in real enumerative geometry. This pleads in particular in favor of a geometric definition of Göttsche-Schroeter invariants.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: Primary 14T15, 14T90, 05A15; Secondary 14N10, 52B20
Keywords: Tropical refined invariants, enumerative geometry, Welschinger invariants, Gromov-Witten invariants, floor diagrams
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From weakly separated collections to matroid subdivisions
We study arrangements of slightly skewed tropical hyperplanes, called blades by A. Ocneanu, on the vertices of a hypersimplex \(\Delta_{k,n}\), and we investigate the resulting induced polytopal subdivisions. We show that placing a blade on a vertex \(e_J\) induces an \(\ell\)-split matroid subdivision of \(\Delta_{k,n}\), where \(\ell\) is the number of cyclic intervals in the \(k\)-element subset \(J\). We prove that a given collection of \(k\)-element subsets is weakly separated, in the sense of the work of Leclerc and Zelevinsky on quasicommuting families of quantum minors, if and only if the arrangement of the blade \(((1,2,\ldots, n))\) on the corresponding vertices of \(\Delta_{k,n}\) induces a matroid (in fact, a positroid) subdivision. In this way we obtain a compatibility criterion for (planar) multi-splits of a hypersimplex, generalizing the rule known for 2-splits. We study in an extended example a matroidal arrangement of six blades on the vertices \(\Delta_{3,7}\).
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 52B40, 05B45, 52B99, 05E99, 14T15
Keywords: Combinatorial geometry, matroid subdivisions, weakly separated collections
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\(F\)- and \(H\)-triangles for \(\nu\)-associahedra
For any northeast path \(\nu\), we define two bivariate polynomials associated with the \(\nu\)-associahedron: the \(F\)- and the \(H\)-triangle. We prove combinatorially that we can obtain one from the other by an invertible transformation of variables. These polynomials generalize the classical \(F\)- and \(H\)-triangles of F. Chapoton in type \(A\). Our proof is completely new and has the advantage of providing a combinatorial explanation of the relation between the \(F\)- and \(H\)-triangle.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05E45, 52B05
Keywords: \(\nu\)-Tamari lattice, \(\nu\)-associahedron, \(F\)-triangle, \(H\)-triangle
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Sequence positivity through numeric analytic continuation: uniqueness of the Canham model for biomembranes
We prove solution uniqueness for the genus one Canham variational problem arising in the shape prediction of biomembranes. The proof builds on a result of Yu and Chen that reduces the variational problem to proving positivity of a sequence defined by a linear recurrence relation with polynomial coefficients. We combine rigorous numeric analytic continuation of D-finite functions with classic bounds from singularity analysis to derive an effective index where the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence, which is positive, dominates the sequence behaviour. Positivity of the finite number of remaining terms is then checked separately.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A16, 68Q40, 30B40
Keywords: Analytic combinatorics, D-finite, P-recursive, positivity, Canham model
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The metric space of limit laws for \(q\)-hook formulas
Billey-Konvalinka-Swanson studied the asymptotic distribution of the coefficients of Stanley's \(q\)-hook length formula, or equivalently the major index on standard tableaux of straight shape and certain skew shapes. We extend those investigations to Stanley's \(q\)-hook-content formula related to semistandard tableaux and \(q\)-hook length formulas of Björner-Wachs related to linear extensions of labeled forests. We show that, while their coefficients are "generically" asymptotically normal, there are uncountably many non-normal limit laws. More precisely, we introduce and completely describe the compact closure of the metric space of distributions of these statistics in several regimes. The additional limit distributions involve generalized uniform sum distributions which are topologically parameterized by certain decreasing sequence spaces with bounded \(2\)-norm. The closure of these distributions in the Lévy metric gives rise to the space of DUSTPAN distributions. As an application, we completely classify the limiting distributions of the size statistic on plane partitions fitting in a box.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A16 (Primary), 60C05, 60F05 (Secondary)
Keywords: Hook length, \(q\)-analogues, major index, semistandard tableaux, plane partitions, forests, asymptotic normality, limit laws, Irwin-Hall distribution
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Saturation of Newton polytopes of type A and D cluster variables
We study Newton polytopes for cluster variables in cluster algebras \(\mathcal{A}(\Sigma)\) of types A and D. A famous property of cluster algebras is the Laurent phenomenon: each cluster variable can be written as a Laurent polynomial in the cluster variables of the initial seed \(\Sigma\). The cluster variable Newton polytopes are the Newton polytopes of these Laurent polynomials. We show that if \(\Sigma\) has principal coefficients or boundary frozen variables, then all cluster variable Newton polytopes are saturated. We also characterize when these Newton polytopes are empty; that is, when they have no non-vertex lattice points.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 13F60, 52B20
Keywords: Cluster algebras, Newton polytopes, snake graphs
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The hull metric on Coxeter groups
We reinterpret an inequality, due originally to Sidorenko, for linear extensions of posets in terms of convex subsets of the symmetric group \(\mathfrak{S}_n\). We conjecture that the analogous inequalities hold in arbitrary (not-necessarily-finite) Coxeter groups \(W\), and prove this for the hyperoctahedral groups \(B_n\) and all right-angled Coxeter groups. Our proof for \(B_n\) (and new proof for \(\mathfrak{S}_n\)) use a combinatorial insertion map closely related to the well-studied promotion operator on linear extensions; this map may be of independent interest. We also note that the inequalities in question can be interpreted as a triangle inequalities, so that convex hulls can be used to define a new invariant metric on \(W\) whenever our conjecture holds. Geometric properties of this metric are an interesting direction for future research.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A20, 05C12, 05E16, 20F55
Keywords: Linear extension, promotion, Coxeter group, convex hull, metric
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Tutte short exact sequences of graphs
We associate two modules, the \(G\)-parking critical module and the toppling critical module, to an undirected connected graph \(G\). The \(G\)-parking critical module and the toppling critical module are canonical modules (with suitable twists) of quotient rings of the well-studied \(G\)-parking function ideal and the toppling ideal, respectively. For each critical module, we establish a Tutte-like short exact sequence relating the modules associated to \(G\), an edge contraction \(G/e\) and an edge deletion \(G \setminus e\) (\(e\) is a non-bridge). We obtain purely combinatorial consequences of Tutte short exact sequences. For instance, we reprove a theorem of Merino that the critical polynomial of a graph is an evaluation of its Tutte polynomial, and relate the vanishing of certain combinatorial invariants (the number of acyclic orientations on connected partition graphs satisfying a unique sink property) of \(G/e\) to the equality of the corresponding invariants of \(G\) and \(G \setminus e\).
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 13D02, 05E40
Keywords: Tutte polynomials, chip firing games, toppling ideals, \(G\)-parking function ideals, canonical modules
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Monotone subsets in lattices and the Schensted shape of a Sós permutation
For a fixed irrational number \(\alpha\) and \(n\in \mathbb{N}\), we look at the shape of the sequence \((f(1),\ldots,f(n))\) after Schensted insertion, where \(f(i) = \alpha i \mod 1\). Our primary result is that the boundary of the Schensted shape is approximated by a piecewise linear function with at most two slopes. This piecewise linear function is explicitly described in terms of the continued fraction expansion for \(\alpha\). Our results generalize those of Boyd and Steele, who studied longest monotone subsequences. Our proofs are based on a careful analysis of monotone sets in two-dimensional lattices.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A05, 11H06, 11B57, 11K06
Keywords: Longest increasing subsequence, Schensted shape, geometry of numbers, S