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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Combinatorial Theory

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Author Guidelines

Authors should remove identifying information following the recommendations below and submit a PDF copy of their manuscript via the EditFlow submission page.


Combinatorial Theory uses a doubly anonymous reviewing process. This means that referees will not be told the names of the authors of the papers they review, and authors will not be told the names of the referees who review their papers. The journal asks referees not to do additional research to identify the authors.

The philosophy behind doubly anonymous refereeing is to reduce the effect of initial impressions and biases that may come from knowing the identity of authors.Our goal is to work together as a combinatorics community to select the most impactful, interesting, and well written mathematical papers within the scope of Combinatorial Theory.

Authors may post their papers on the arXiv or elsewhere on the internet while they are being reviewed in Combinatorial Theory.

Before submitting your manuscript, prepare your submission according to the following checklist. Papers not conforming to these recommendations will be returned to authors with a request to “scrub” identifying information.

  • Search and remove the authors’ names, grant numbers, and affiliations and other identifying information from the paper; in particular from the front matter, back matter, introduction, and page headers.

  • Remove the acknowledgements section.

  • Remove phrases and indications that particular citations have authors in common with those of your paper. Pay special attention to the abstract and introduction. (For example, replace “In [1], the first author proved…” with “In [1], it was proved…”)

In addition, the manuscript should be spell checked and grammar checked.

For questions regarding submissions to Combinatorial Theory, authors may contact or the confirmation e-mail of a submission.

Final version

We use the CC BY licence. It allows others to freely distribute your work while giving credit to you. In particular CC BY allows remixing, tweaking and building upon your work. See for a full explanation of the Creative Commons licenses.

Manuscripts accepted for publication must be prepared using the CT LaTeX material available in the zip file It uses the style file ct.sty in the same manner as ct-sample.tex and ct-sample.bib to produce output similar to ct-sample.pdf. Please, do not erase comments in the head of the sample file as they are used to process your file semi-automatically. Please follow all instructions in the sample file for specific instructions on formatting, structure, article expectations, etc.

We encourage the use of BibTeX with bib style \bibliographystyle{alphaurl}. More details are given in the sample file.

Upload a PDF of your paper, and upload all source files as "supplementary files” bundled into a single zip file.

Note that the editors will return your file if any of the following happen:

  • your file is not in ASCII or UTF8 encoding.
  • your file is not using the CT LaTeX material.
  • your file does not contain the mandatory information (title, authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, MSC classes).
  • your file does not compile, in particular when some additional figure files are missing.
  • your file compiles with errors or warnings such as overful hboxes.
  • the bibliography is not presented properly.

Here is a list of other undesirable common typesetting issues that we ask you to avoid and that will cause delays in the edition of your file:

  • Using ellipses … instead of ldots, dots, cdots.
  • Including spaces before a comma or full-stop/period.
  • the grant acknowledgments and the other acknowledgments are misplaced.

For questions regarding the final version of your submission, authors may contact