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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Cotsen Institute of Archaeology

Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press bannerUCLA

The Transition to Mycenaean: A Stratified Middle Helladic II to Late Helladic IIA pottery sequence from Ayios Stephanos in Lakonia

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The following study is concerned only with pottery of the later Middle Helladic and early Mycenaean periods. In spite of its limited scope, we feel that the stratified ceramic sequence presented here has a unique importance not only in the archaeology of prehistoric Lakonia but also, in a broader sense, in the archaeology of prehistoric Greece as a whole. This sequence affords a unique opportunity to trace the effect of Cretan influence on Middle Helladic pottery which transformed the latter into the distinctly different Mycenaean pottery of the Late Helladic period.

Series: Monumenta Archaeologica 4

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