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Identification of excited states in 226U
- Greenlees, PT;
- Amzal, N;
- Butler, PA;
- Cann, KJ;
- Cocks, JFC;
- Hawcroft, D;
- Jones, GD;
- Page, RD;
- Andreev, A;
- Enqvist, T;
- Fallon, P;
- Gall, B;
- Guttormsen, M;
- Helariutta, K;
- Hessberger, FP;
- Hoellinger, F;
- Jones, P;
- Julin, R;
- Juutinen, S;
- Kankaanpää, H;
- Kettunen, H;
- Kuusiniemi, P;
- Leino, M;
- Messelt, S;
- Muikku, M;
- Savelius, A;
- Schiller, A;
- Siem, S;
- Trzaska, WH;
- Tveter, T;
- Uusitalo, J
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Two experiments have been performed at the Accelerator Laboratory of the Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and are reported here. The first experiment was a recoil-decay tagging study intended to delineate the level scheme of 226U for the first time. The subsequent experiment, the observation of fine structure in the a decay of 230Pu, was to obtain an improved measurement of the excitation energy of the first excited 2+ state, which was tentatively assigned in the first experiment.