Fusion product studies via fast ion D–D and D–3He fusion on JET
- Sharapov, SE;
- Hellsten, T;
- Kiptily, VG;
- Craciunescu, T;
- Eriksson, J;
- Fitzgerald, M;
- Girardo, J-B;
- Goloborod’ko, V;
- Hellesen, C;
- Hjalmarsson, A;
- Johnson, T;
- Kazakov, Y;
- Koskela, T;
- Mantsinen, M;
- Monakhov, I;
- Nabais, F;
- Nocente, M;
- von Thun, C Perez;
- Rimini, F;
- Santala, M;
- Schneider, M;
- Tardocchi, M;
- Tsalas, M;
- Yavorskij, V;
- Zoita, V
- et al.
Published Web Location
Dedicated fast ion D-D and D-3He fusion experiments were performed on JET with carbon wall (2008) and ITER-like wall (2014) for testing the upgraded neutron and energetic ion diagnostics of fusion products. Energy spectrum of D-D neutrons was the focus of the studies in pure deuterium plasmas. A significant broadening of the energy spectrum of neutrons born in D-D fast fusion was observed, and dependence of the maximum D and D-D neutron energies on plasma density was established. Diagnostics of charged products of aneutronic D-3He fusion reactions, 3.7 MeV alpha-particles similar to those in D-T fusion, and 14.6 MeV protons, were the focus of the studies in D-3He plasmas. Measurements of 16.4 MeV gamma-rays born in the weak secondary branch of D(3He, γ)5Li reaction were used for assessing D-3He fusion power. For achieving high yield of D-D and D-3He reactions at relatively low levels of input heating power, an acceleration of D beam up to the MeV energy range was used employing 3rd harmonic () ICRH technique. These results were compared to the techniques of D beam injection into D-3He mixture, and 3He-minority ICRH in D plasmas.