About L’Indécis au Précis
L'Indécis au Précis (IP) is an annual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes undergraduate research on French and francophone cultural topics in the humanities and social sciences. Founded in 2018 by Andrea Arredondo, Nathaniel Bench, and Madeleine Britt, IP is among a handful of student-run, open-access undergraduate journals across the University of California system, and prides itself in serving as a platform for original student scholarship and interdisciplinary dialogue.
IP offers students a space for contributing to the larger scholarly communities surrounding their academic pursuits. With an international appeal, the journal aims to showcase the full breadth of intellectual diversity brought to the fore by student research on the varied histories of the francophone world.
Professional Affiliates
The journal's upkeep is made possible with the support of UCLA's Department of French & Francophone Studies. The editors wish to extend their warmest thanks to the following individuals for their gracious dedication to the journal's mission:
Senior Lecturer, Department of French & Francophone Studies
Dr. Jean-Claude CARRON
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of French & Francophone Studies