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Volume 36, 2007
(Special Issue):Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting, and Forgiving
Front matter
[Front Matter]
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Idas y venidas en la España contemporánea: los casos de Volver, de Pedro Almodóvar y Calzados Lola, de Suso de Toro
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Memory and Fantasy: The Imaginative Reconstruction of a Lost Past in Las cartas que no llegaron
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"El chuchumbé te he de soplar:" sobre obscenidad, censura y memoria oral en el primer "son de la tierra" novohispano
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The Hour and Turn of João Guimarães Rosa: Symbolic Discourse and Death in the Academia Brasileira de Letras
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O "modernizador dos sertões:" intelectuais brasileiros e as memorias de Delmiro Gouveia
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Rafael Alberti y el peso del ayer
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El recuerdo fracturado de la Guerra Civil española: trauma individual y colectivo en La prima Angélica
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[No author]
End Matter
[End Matter]
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