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Editors in Chief
Jessica Johnson
Jess received her B.A in Art History from New York University in 2013 and her M.A in Egyptian Art History and Archaeology and a Graduate Certification in Museum Studies from the University of Memphis in 2015-16. Her M.A thesis focused on the synecdochical relationship between Gate Guardians and the demon Ammit in New Kingdom Books of the Dead. Jess’s interests include Demonology and narrative constructions within religious texts, tombs, and temple wall decorations. Jess is also interested in the museological well being of Egyptian collections and their public outreach ability. She has experience working within the museological field for the past ten years within university settings, galleries, and auction houses. She hopes to continue both her Egyptological and Museum Studies passions interchangeably through pursuing a career as a Curator.
Jenna Stover-Kemp
Jenna Stover-Kemp works in the area of Hebrew Bible and is interested in cultural memory and intertextuality. In her dissertation, she theorizes the role forgetting plays within memory processes as she traces three case studies from different literary genres and analyzes how relatively late biblical authors work with the memory of earlier text.
Jason Silvestri
Faculty Advisor
Niek Veldhuis