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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Merced Library

UC Merced Library bannerUC Merced


Situated in California’s Central Valley, and part of the world’s leading public research university system, the UC Merced Library empowers researchers, celebrates our region’s diversity, expands access to information, and fosters student belonging. We provide valuable expertise, advance critical inquiry, invest in collections, preserve unique resources, forge collaborations, and create welcoming space and services.

UC Merced Library

There are 1573 publications in this collection, published between 1974 and 2024.
Other Recent Work (5)

Livingston Centennial: A Guide to the History of Livingston, CA 1922 to 2022

The goal of this history guide is to introduce Livingston students and community members to a Livingston history that is intentionally inclusive of different communities. By presenting a diverse account of Livingston's history, we are able to better understand the town's present context, how it operates for different people, and how we can work together to build a better future for all. As part of the Livingston Centennial Celebration, the following organizations partnered to create this guide: the University of California Merced Department of History & Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Merced Library, City of Livingston Recreation Department, Livingston Historical Society, Merced Union High School District, and Livingston Union School District.

UC Merced Library White Paper

The White Paper highlights selected Library activities and aligns them with UC Merced's Strategic Planning Goals; it does not showcase all Library services and contributions. Included recommendations suggest how an investment in the UC Merced Library can support the ongoing advancement of the university’s mission.

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Carter Joseph Abrescy and Larry Kranich Library Award for Student Research Excellence (12)

Bioethics and the Controversy of CRISPR/Cas9

CRISPR/Cas9 is a novel technology that allows scientists to edit genomes for purposes related to research, livestock improvement, and eradication of disease. The use of CRISPR/Cas9 is highly debated in the scientific community due to its significant advantages and disadvantages when evaluating its use from a bioethical standpoint. Biomedical ethics in scientific research evolved due to historical events that violated human rights in the name of science, and currently studies must respect The Georgetown Mantra of Bioethics in which the values of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice are required to be upheld when conducting biomedical research. This review assesses two studies that utilize CRISPR/Cas9 technology in line with the identified values of bioethics. The results show that there both an instance that violated The Georgetown Mantra and an instance that adhered to the accepted values, suggesting that CRISPR/Cas9 has the potential to be studied and applied in a way that is highly beneficial to society but can be easily used for unethical purposes if left unregulated.

Obstinate Anger and Pessimism: An (Academic) History of Right-Wing Populism

Ever since June 2015, American political discussion has been near-solely dominated by Donald Trump, his ideology, his style and the grievances his voters possess. At the same time, similar figures in Europe were preparing to make victories on their own after being minor forces in the political arena. Despite the amount of attention Trump and similar figures have been receiving, the political ideology they propagate, right-wing populism, has existed for many years in the academic world. In the research paper Obstinate Anger and Pessimism: An (Academic) History of Right-Wing Populism, University of California, Merced political science student Nathan Parmeter explores the history of right-wing populism through an academic lens. The results of his research show that since the modern version of right-wing populism first rose in the 1990s, the same bloc of voters and their economic and social grievances have remained consistent as have the grievances they possess against the state. Furthermore, Mr. Parmeter also notes that the current wave of right-wing populism takes a unique form due to an evolved media landscape and the after-effects of the Great Recession.

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Open Access Policy Deposits (28)

The role of freshman writing in academic bibliographic instruction

he history of freshman writing programs and bibliographic instruction (BI) is reviewed to determine the extent to which freshman writing is used as a vehicle for BI, the perceptions of BI librarians, and the instruction methods used for the delivery of BI. Survey results are analyzed and recommendations made.

Let’s Put an End to Socialized Intellectual Property

Spoofs extreme ownship-centric views of intellectual property. 

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