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Open Access Publications from the University of California


The UC Santa Barbara Library enables exploration and collaboration for scholars in their intellectual engagement with the world of ideas and the creation of knowledge, with a vision toward empowering a lifetime of research, discovery and learning. The Library is committed to collaboration, integrity, innovation, leadership, research, and learning.

UC Santa Barbara Library

There are 147 publications in this collection, published between 2002 and 2024.
Conference Papers and Poster Presentations (7)

Evaluating the Need for Library Diversity Residency Programs in the 21st Century

Angela Boyd and Yolanda Blue presented the poster on October 1-2, 2014 at West Virginia University Libraries in Morgantown, West Virginia.  The poster presents research findings  highlighted in a talk given by the authors.

  • 1 supplemental PDF

Library Residency Programs: Investing in the Future of Libraries

In the United States, the library residency (sometimes referred to as a fellowship or internship) is defined as a temporary, entry-level position in a library that targets post-library school graduates as part of a diversity recruitment and/or early career development program.  There are fewer than 30 such programs in the USA.  

We conducted a nationwide survey of library residency programs in the USA.  Questions  addressed program planning and decision-making, attitudes toward various aspects of libraries and residents, and the effectiveness of residency programs in context.  This information will be used to develop a model for libraries that have existing residency programs or that want to start a similar program.

 Our research will paint a picture of the landscape of library residency programs in the USA.  A comprehensive survey of both residency coordinators and residents has not been conducted before.

The workshop and companion poster begin with both a theoretical and practical background based on our research. In the interactive portion, participants will be asked to share their individual experiences with early career development in their own countries; to discuss the need for effective early career development programs; and, finally, to design the ideal residency program that can be adapted for their own community needs.

This poster and a workshop was presented by Angela Boyd on August 19-20, 2013 at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress  79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Singapore, Singapore.

A Roadmap for Relocation: Surveying Research Behavior for Offsite Storage Decisions

The UC Santa Barbara Library faced significant challenges in 2012 when it was determined that the collection of 700,000 volumes in the Library’s central tower had to be permanently reduced by 20 percent because of seismic retrofitting for an expansion and renovation project. While many libraries have reported on methods of engaging with faculty to inform selection decisions for offsite storage, little has been reported about using survey methodology for this purpose. To develop strategies for relocation that would have the least impact on research and teaching, a team of UCSB librarians worked with a faculty committee and the campus Social Science Survey Center to develop a survey of user behaviors and preferences in accessing library information resources. Members of the faculty committee were nominated by academic deans and the Academic Senate. The survey was distributed in spring 2012 to all faculty and graduate students. The target population returned 772 surveys, yielding a margin of error of 4.2 percent and a confidence level of 99 percent. Using survey results, the Library team developed six strategies for offsite storage selection. The strategies were then evaluated by the faculty committee to ensure consistency with the survey outcomes. Once approved by the committee, the strategies were presented to the campus and are now being implemented. The poster summarizes the steps taken by the Library team working with the faculty committee. It also presents the six strategies with supporting survey data displayed by graphs.  Janet Martorana presented the poster on June 30, 2013 at the American Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

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Library Award for Undergraduate Research Winners (28)
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Previously Published Works (20)

Black Women Misbehavin': A New Politics of Sexuality


Darkseid's Ring: Images of Anti-Life in Kirby and Tolkien

What is the nature of ultimate evil?  Answers will vary, but it is logical to say that they will depend on what one considers to be the core of humanity: that which attacks that core is the ultimate evil.  Evidence in Jack Kirby's "Fourth World" mythos and J. R. R. Tolkien's "Middle-earth" mythos suggests that they both saw free will at the core of humanity, and that ultimate evil lies in the domination and subjugation of the will of others.  Kirby symbolized this evil in the "Anti-Life Equation"; Tolkien in the One Ring of Sauron.  This paper will compare the images of evil in the two authors'  works.

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Reports (5)

Teaching undergraduates with quantitative data in the social sciences at University of California Santa Barbara: a local report

This report details the investigation of practices of instructors who use quantitative data to teach undergraduate courses within the Social Sciences. The study was undertaken by employees of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Library, who participated in this research project with 19 other colleges and universities across the U.S. under the direction of Ithaka S+R. Ithaka S+R is a New York-based research organization, which, among other goals, seeks to develop strategies, services, and products to meet evolving academic trends to support faculty and students.

A Campus Conversation: Report on the State of Funding for UCSB Library Collections

The library addition and renovation project will provide much-needed space for new programs to support the rapidly changing research environment, but will have no impact on the library’s ability to provide access to the scholarly record. Because of the insufficient collections budget, UCSB access to global research necessary for our faculty to compete and excel is now severely at risk. Despite high inflation in the cost of scholarly information resources over the last decade, the collections base budget has remained flat. As a result, UCSB now stands at a significant competitive disadvantage, ranking last among AAU public institutions in collections expenditures. Although the faculty have identified collections as the library service most in need of improvement, acquisitions will decline sharply starting next year. Even with the cancellation of a thousand journals, book purchasing will decrease by 50 percent, with further steep declines in the following years. We invite a campus conversation about a critical issue that concerns the entire UCSB community and urgently requires our collective deliberation and action.

Forum Planning Committee’s Report to UC Council of University Librarians on Choosing Pathways to Open Access (CP2OA)

On October 16-17, 2018, University of California (UC) libraries hosted a working forum in Berkeley, California entitled “Choosing Pathways to Open Access” (“CP2OA”) (see Sponsored by the University of California’s Council of University Librarians (“CoUL”), the forum was designed to enable North American library or consortium leaders and key academic stakeholders to engage in action-focused deliberations about redirecting subscription and other funds toward sustainable open access (“OA”) publishing.

This report was prepared by members of the forum’s Planning Committee1 as a way to update CoUL on forum outcomes, and to synthesize these outcomes into recommendations for further collective (UC multi-institutional) action to advance OA. The recommendations reflect the opinions of the report drafters; they are not an official statement by CoUL, nor should publication of this report signify CoUL’s endorsement of our recommendations. We (the Planning Committee) instead hope that CoUL will consider the recommendations in due course, particularly as some of them reflect efforts already underway within various UC libraries.

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UCSB Open Access Publishing Fund Supported Publications (87)
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