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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Center for Agroecology

Gaining Results Through Evaluation Work: Evaluation Support for Beginning Farmer and Rancher Programs bannerUC Santa Cruz

Long Term & System Level Outcomes 


This diagram identifies examples of long-term or system level outcomes that a beginning farmer and rancher program may be working towards. It can be useful for identifying long-term goals as part of planning, desired impacts for developing a theory of change or logic model, or exploring outcomes that happen beyond the individual. 

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Identifying Farmer and Rancher Success: How Programs Contribute and Example Definitions


This diagram identifies many of the primary elements or activities that organizations can offer to support new farmer and rancher success. It also identifies several different definitions of success that might be utilized in an evaluation. By highlighting the many definitions of success, this diagram can also help BFR training staff determine which outcomes are most relevant to their organization, farmers, and funders.

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Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Project Logic Model


This document was developed as part of an evaluation of the USDA’s Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. It highlights the many possible components that can go into programs that train beginning farmers and ranchers. This document can be used for developing logic models for evaluation or project development. 

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Example Pathway of a 9-Month Training Program


This document provides an example theory of change for a hypothetical training program for aspiring farmers – highlighting the pathway the outcomes take from short-term to long-term.

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Outcomes for Aspiring Farmers and Ranchers


This diagram explores possible outcomes for organizations that train people to get started in farming and ranching. It also offers different types of “work” related outcomes, acknowledging that programs might have multiple goals when they train farmers.

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Cover page of Identifying Outcomes for Program Evaluation: Example Outcomes for Beginning Farmer and Racher Training Efforts

Identifying Outcomes for Program Evaluation: Example Outcomes for Beginning Farmer and Racher Training Efforts


This document highlights example outcomes, indicators and data collection questions. These items can be used to reflect on and develop specific evaluation efforts that are most appropriate to your organization. These tools may also be useful for planning the proposal writing process.