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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Mission Statement: To attract, recruit and retain an outstanding cohort of diverse graduate students, while providing the highest quality educational experience possible as we support them towards their graduation and prepare them for successful careers.

Highs & Lows of Riverbeds: Quantifying the impact of grain-scale topography on sediment transport rates


Oral presentation from the 2016 Graduate Research Symposium.  Videos are not active in PDF.

  • 1 supplemental PDF
Cover page of Leader-Follower UAVs for Formation Testing

Leader-Follower UAVs for Formation Testing


Many aerial missions consist of various different tasks.Compared to a single manned aerial vehicle, UnmannedAerial Vehicle (UAV) has a greater operational capability.Furthermore, multi-vehicle systems have the abilityto share tasks and therefor accomplish the mission objectiveswith greater efficiency. The UAVs relay real-time informationbetween each other through a Ground ControlStation (GCS), this configuration is known as a centralizedsystem. Single point failures can cause a centralizedsystem to be non-functional[1]. Alternatively, the UAVscan transmit real-time information between group members,in this configuration the system operates in a decentralizedscheme. Understanding those different strategiesand major difficulties for formation flight testing we adopta Multi-UAVs system design with three components: a’Leader’ UAV, a ’Follower’ UAV and a GCS.

Cover page of Impacts of Sexual Assault Trauma and Mental Health on Graduate Student Retention and Academic Success

Impacts of Sexual Assault Trauma and Mental Health on Graduate Student Retention and Academic Success


This project addresses student retention and success of underrepresented students. It examines the efficacy of current resources, education, and training available for addressing the effects of sexual assault, violence, and posttraumatic stress on graduate student mental health. I employ a combination of ethnographic research methods, participant observation, interviews, and content analysis, and techniques such as snow-balling and generative survey responses in order to reach particularly marginalized students. My expected outcomes include increased graduate retention and improved campus climate in regards to diversity and mental health, which, in turn, will encourage the growth of diverse student populations on our campus.