This report presents the theoretical analysis relevant for Higgs physics at
the upgraded Tevatron collider and documents the Higgs Working Group
simulations to estimate the discovery reach in Run 2 for the Standard Model and
MSSM Higgs bosons. Based on a simple detector simulation, we have determined
the integrated luminosity necessary to discover the SM Higgs in the mass range
100-190 GeV. The first phase of the Run 2 Higgs search, with a total integrated
luminosity of 2 fb-1 per detector, will provide a 95% CL exclusion sensitivity
comparable to that expected at the end of the LEP2 run. With 10 fb-1 per
detector, this exclusion will extend up to Higgs masses of 180 GeV, and a
tantalizing 3 sigma effect will be visible if the Higgs mass lies below 125
GeV. With 25 fb-1 of integrated luminosity per detector, evidence for SM Higgs
production at the 3 sigma level is possible for Higgs masses up to 180 GeV.
However, the discovery reach is much less impressive for achieving a 5 sigma
Higgs boson signal. Even with 30 fb-1 per detector, only Higgs bosons with
masses up to about 130 GeV can be detected with 5 sigma significance. These
results can also be re-interpreted in the MSSM framework and yield the required
luminosities to discover at least one Higgs boson of the MSSM Higgs sector.
With 5-10 fb-1 of data per detector, it will be possible to exclude at 95% CL
nearly the entire MSSM Higgs parameter space, whereas 20-30 fb-1 is required to
obtain a 5 sigma Higgs discovery over a significant portion of the parameter
space. Moreover, in one interesting region of the MSSM parameter space (at
large tan(beta)), the associated production of a Higgs boson and a b b-bar pair
is significantly enhanced and provides potential for discovering a non-SM-like
Higgs boson in Run 2.