The pursuit of knowledge in particle physics requires constant learning. As
new tools become available, new theories are developed, and physicists search
for new answers with ever-evolving methods. However, it is the case that formal
educational systems serve as the primary training grounds for particle
physicists. Graduate school (and undergraduate school to a lesser extent) is
where researchers learn most of the technical skills required for research,
develop scientific problem-solving abilities, learn how to establish themselves
in their field, and begin developing their career. It is unfortunate, then,
that the skills gained by physicists during their formal education are often
mismatched with the skills actually required for a successful career in
physics. We performed a survey of the U.S. particle physics community to
determine the missing elements of graduate and undergraduate education and to
gauge how to bridge these gaps. In this contributed paper, part of the 2021-22
Snowmass Community Planning Exercise, we report the results of this survey. We
also recommend several specific community actions to improve the quality of
particle physics education; the "community" here refers to physics departments,
national labs, professional societies, funding agencies, and individual