Graphene, a crystalline atomic monolayer of carbon atoms, is a model system as the regularity and cleanliness of its lattice enables precise descriptions of its properties. Theoretical models predict that the behavior of electrons in a heterostructure consisting of two stacked graphene monolayers with a slight rotational misalignment in their lattices is dictated by interactions and topology. We investigate a twisted bilayer sample with both electrical resistivity measurements and nanoSQUID on tip microscopy. The latter, a novel magnetic imaging method developed as part of this dissertation, is uniquely well matched to studying the dilute magnetic signals expected in twisted graphene heterostructures.
We observe the emergence of a quantized anomalous Hall effect in twisted bilayer graphene aligned to hexagonal boron nitride with Hall resistance is quantized to within 0.1\% of the von Klitzing constant h/e^2 at zero magnetic field. In contrast to magnetically doped (Bi,Sb)_2Te_3 quantum anomalous Hall variants, intrinsic strong correlations polarize the electrons into a single valley resolved miniband with Chern number C=1 arising from inversion symmetry breaking and the formation of a moir