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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Himalayan Linguistics

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Submission Policies

The editors reserve the right to determine the suitability of submissions. Authors should remove identifying information following the recommendations on the Author Guidelines page and submit a PDF copy of their manuscript via the submission page.

Himalayan Linguistics uses doubly anonymous peer review.
Himalayan Linguistics does not charge for article processing or articles submission.

Who Can Submit

Himalayan Linguistics generally publishes materials related to languages included on the “Aims and Scope” page. The editors reserve the right to determine the suitability of submissions. For additional information, please contact the editors of the relevant journal (please see the "Contact Us" page). Those interested in writing book reviews or notices should contact the Review Editor.


Once posted to a repository, a paper cannot generally be revised or removed. We feel it is important to provide perpetual access to materials published within eScholarship whenever possible and appropriate. However, we will remove publications under special circumstances, including in the case of submission errors, rights violations, or inappropriate content. Please be aware, however, that even after the removal of a text, a citation to the paper will remain in our system, along with a URL.

If you would like your work removed from eScholarship, please contact the editors of the relevant journal (please see the "Contact Us" page).

Revising Work

Once published, we are generally unable to revise manuscripts. If a significant error or omission is discovered, contact the editors of the relevant journal (please see the "Contact Us" page).

Author Review

Authors are asked to review PDFs created from their papers within 5 days of being sent the PDF. At this stage, we're unable to make any changes beyond the rare error that occurs in PDF conversion.

Rights and Permissions

Before submitting a paper to the repository, please be sure that all necessary permissions have been cleared. You retain the copyright to your paper and grant us the nonexclusive right to publish this material, meaning that you may also publish it elsewhere. All articles published in the journal are subject to the journal’s author agreement, which is available in the first step of the submission process or by contacting us to request a copy.

Open Access statement

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Himalayan Linguistics was published under a CC BY-NC-ND license from Volume 1, Issue 1 through Volume 23 Issue 3. Beginning with Volume 24 Issue 1, it is published under a CC BY-NC license.

Long-term preservation policy

All materials submitted to eScholarship are automatically deposited in CDL's Merritt Preservation Repository for long-term preservation.