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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Himalayan Linguistics

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Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be made electronically. Please use the "Submit" button on the journal's home page.

Submissions should include:

  • One document containing the title, an abstract (approximately 200 words) in length, the title and the body of the article in .docx format
  • The author's name and affiliation, title of the article, and contact information should be submitted through the online portal

Note that this is in order to ensure double-blind peer reviewing.

While Himalayan Linguistics does not have a formal upper limit on word count for journal articles, we suggest that you aim for a maximum of 10,000 words. You're welcome to contact the editors if you wish to discuss this in relation to your submission. Archives and Field Reports are less constrained by word count limits, but we recommend keeping submissions to 25,000 words maximum. Please contact us if you have a longer manuscript.

In preparing the submission, authors should precisely follow the formatting guidelines contained in the Himalayan Linguistics style sheet.