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Planning the Future of U.S. Particle Physics (Snowmass 2013): Chapter 8: Instrumentation Frontier
- Demarteau, M;
- Lipton, R;
- Nicholson, H;
- Shipsey, I;
- Akerib, D;
- Albayrak-Yetkin, A;
- Alexander, J;
- Anderson, J;
- Artuso, M;
- Asner, D;
- Ball, R;
- Battaglia, M;
- Bebek, C;
- Beene, J;
- Benhammou, Y;
- Bentefour, E;
- Bergevin, M;
- Bernstein, A;
- Bilki, B;
- Blucher, E;
- Bolla, G;
- Bortoletto, D;
- Bowden, N;
- Brooijmans, G;
- Byrum, K;
- Cabrera, B;
- Cancelo, G;
- Carlstrom, J;
- Casey, B;
- Chang, C;
- Chapman, J;
- Chen, CH;
- Childres, I;
- Christian, D;
- Convery, M;
- Corso, W Cooper J;
- Cumalat, J;
- Cushman, P;
- Via, C Da;
- Dazeley, S;
- Debbins, P;
- Deptuch, G;
- Dhawan, S;
- Benedetto, V Di;
- DiGiovene, B;
- Djurcic, Z;
- Dye, S;
- Elagin, A;
- Estrada, J;
- Evans, H;
- Etzion, E;
- Fast, J;
- Ferretti, C;
- Fisher, P;
- Fleming, B;
- Francis, K;
- Friedman, P;
- Frisch, H;
- Garcia-Sciveres, M;
- Gatto, C;
- Geronim, G;
- Gilchriese, G;
- Golwala, S;
- Grant, C;
- Grillo, A;
- Grünendahl, E;
- Gorham, P;
- Guan, L;
- Gutierrez, G;
- Haber, C;
- Hall, J;
- Haller, G;
- Hast, C;
- Heintz, U;
- Hemmick, T;
- Hitlin, DG;
- Hogan, C;
- Hohlmann, M;
- Hoppe, E;
- Hsu, L;
- Huffer, M;
- Irwin, K;
- Izraelevitch, F;
- Jennings, G;
- Johnson, M;
- Jung, A;
- Kagan, H;
- Kenney, C;
- Kettell, S;
- Khanna, R;
- Khristenko, V;
- Krennrich, F;
- Kuehn, K;
- Kutschke, R;
- Learned, J;
- Lee, AT;
- Levin, D;
- Liu, T;
- Liu, ATK;
- Lissauer, D;
- Love, J;
- Lynn, D;
- MacFarlane, D;
- Magill, S;
- Majewski, S;
- Mans, J;
- Maricic, J;
- Marleau, P;
- Mazzacane, A;
- McKinsey, D;
- Mehl, J;
- Mestvirisvilli, A;
- Meyer, S;
- Mokhov, N;
- Moshe, M;
- Mukherjee, A;
- Murat, P;
- Nahn, S;
- Narain, M;
- Nadel-Turonski, P;
- Newcomer, M;
- Nishimura, K;
- Nygren, D;
- Oberla, E;
- Onel, Y;
- Oreglia, M;
- Orrell, J;
- Paley, J;
- Para, A;
- Parker, S;
- Polychronakos, V;
- Pordes, S;
- Privitera, P;
- Prosser, A;
- Pyle, M;
- Raaf, J;
- Ramberg, E;
- Rameika, R;
- Rebel, B;
- Repond, J;
- Reyna, D;
- Ristori, L;
- Rivera, R;
- Ronzhin, A;
- Rusack, R;
- Russ, J;
- Ryd, A;
- Sadrozinski, H;
- Sahoo, H;
- Sanchez, MC;
- Sanzeni, C;
- Schnetzer, S;
- Seidel, S;
- Seiden, A;
- Schmidt, I;
- Shenai, A;
- Shutt, T;
- Silver, Y;
- Smith, W;
- Snowden-Ifft, D;
- Sonnenschein, A;
- Southwick, D;
- Spiegel, L;
- Stanitzki, M;
- Striganov, S;
- Su, D;
- Sumner, R;
- Svoboda, R;
- Sweany, M;
- Talaga, R;
- Tayloe, R;
- Tentindo, S;
- Terentiev, N;
- Thom-Levy, J;
- Thorn, C;
- Tiffenberg, J;
- Trischuk, W;
- Tschirhart, R;
- Turner, M;
- Underwood, D;
- Uplegger, L;
- Urheim, J;
- Vagins, M;
- Bibber, K Van;
- Varner, G;
- Varner, R;
- Va'vra, J;
- Lippe, H Von der;
- Wagner, R;
- Wagner, S;
- Weaverdyck, C;
- Wenzel, H;
- Weinstein, A;
- Wetstein, M;
- White, A;
- Wigman, R;
- Wilson, P;
- Winn, D;
- Winter, P;
- Woody, C;
- Xia, L;
- Xie, JQ;
- Ye, Z;
- Yeh, MF;
- Yetkin, T;
- Yoo, JH;
- Yu, J;
- Yu, JM;
- Zeller, S;
- Zhang, JL;
- Zhu, JJ;
- Zhou, B;
- Zhu, RY;
- Zitzer, B
- et al.
These reports present the results of the 2013 Community Summer Study of the APS Division of Particles and Fields ("Snowmass 2013") on the future program of particle physics in the U.S. Chapter 8, on the Instrumentation Frontier, discusses the instrumentation needs of future experiments in the Energy, Intensity, and Cosmic Frontiers, promising new technologies for particle physics research, and issues of gathering resources for long-term research in this area.
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