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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The Role of Connectivity in Adapting and Mitigating Sea Level Rise Effects on Coastal Wetlands: A Case Study of Ormond Beach and the Tijuana River Estuary


Coastal wetlands are at the forefront of many ocean-related stressors. The most prevalent one being sea-level rise. In Southern California, there has been an increase in coastal wetland depletion through commercial development, erosion, sediment accumulation, and a lack of freshwater/saltwater input. This comparative analysis looks at two large coastal wetland areas, Ormond Beach and the Tijuana River Estuary to analyze the adaptation management strategies being used to combat sea-level rise. I looked at the Ormond Beach Restoration and Public Access draft plan to view possible adaptation strategies. I compared these strategies to the measures already put into place at the Tijuana River Estuary. The report concludes that there are three main themes best used as adaptation strategies for both sites that can be used in management plans for future coastal wetland restoration; transition zones for wetland migration, freshwater connectivity, and tidal connectivity.

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