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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Combinatorial Theory

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Ehrhart quasi-polynomials and parallel translations

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

Given a rational polytope PRd, the numerical function counting lattice points in the integral dilations of P is known to become a quasi-polynomial, called the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial ehrP of P. In this paper we study the following problem: Given a rational d-polytope PRd, is there a nice way to know Ehrhart quasi-polynomials of translated polytopes P+\boldsymbolv for all \boldsymbolvQd? We provide a way to compute such Ehrhart quasi-polynomials using a certain toric arrangement and lattice point counting functions of translated cones of P. This method allows us to visualize how constituent polynomials of ehrP+\boldsymbolv change in the torus Rd/Zd. We also prove that information of ehrP+\boldsymbolv for all \boldsymbolvQd determines the rational d-polytope PRd up to translations by integer vectors, and characterize all rational d-polytopes PRd such that ehrP+\boldsymbolv is symmetric for all \boldsymbolvQd.

Mathematics Subject Classifications: 52C07, 52C35

Keywords: Ehrhart quasi-polynomials, rational polytopes, toric arrangements, conic divisorial ideals

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