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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Combinatorial Theory

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Note on the number of antichains in generalizations of the boolean lattice

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We give a short and self-contained argument that shows that, for any positive integers t and n with t=O(nlogn), the number α([t]n) of antichains of the poset [t]n is at most exp2[(1+O((tlog3nn)1/2))N(t,n)], where N(t,n) is the size of a largest level of [t]n. This, in particular, says that if tn/log3n as n, then logα([t]n)=(1+o(1))N(t,n), giving a (partially) positive answer to a question of Moshkovitz and Shapira for t,n in this range. Particularly for t=3, we prove a better upper bound: logα([3]n)(1+4log3/n)N(3,n), which is the best known upper bound on the number of antichains of [3]n.

Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A16, 06A07

Keywords: Boolean lattice, antichains, entropy method

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