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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Lifetime measurement of the 2 1 + state in 74Rb and isospin properties of quadrupole transition strengths at N = Z


Self-conjugate nuclei in the A≈70–80 region have attracted a great deal of attention due to phenomena such as shape coexistence and increasing collectivity along the N=Z line. We investigate the structure of nuclei in this region through lifetime measurements using the GRETINA array. The first implementation of the Differential Recoil Distance Doppler Shift technique with fast radioactive beams is demonstrated and verified through a measurement of the well-known B(E2;21+→01+) transition strength in 74Kr. The method is then applied to determine the B(E2;21+→01+) transition strength in 74Rb, the heaviest odd–odd N=Z nucleus for which this quantity has been determined. This result and extended systematics along N=Z suggest the dominance of the isoscalar part of the quadrupole transition strengths in self-conjugate nuclei, as well as the possible presence of shape coexistence in 74Rb.

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