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Results on ββ decay with emission of two neutrinos or Majorons in 76Ge from GERDA Phase I
- GERDA Collaboration;
- Agostini, M;
- Allardt, M;
- Bakalyarov, AM;
- Balata, M;
- Barabanov, I;
- Barros, N;
- Baudis, L;
- Bauer, C;
- Becerici-Schmidt, N;
- Bellotti, E;
- Belogurov, S;
- Belyaev, ST;
- Benato, G;
- Bettini, A;
- Bezrukov, L;
- Bode, T;
- Borowicz, D;
- Brudanin, V;
- Brugnera, R;
- Budjáš, D;
- Caldwell, A;
- Cattadori, C;
- Chernogorov, A;
- D’Andrea, V;
- Demidova, EV;
- di Vacri, A;
- Domula, A;
- Doroshkevich, E;
- Egorov, V;
- Falkenstein, R;
- Fedorova, O;
- Freund, K;
- Frodyma, N;
- Gangapshev, A;
- Garfagnini, A;
- Grabmayr, P;
- Gurentsov, V;
- Gusev, K;
- Hegai, A;
- Heisel, M;
- Hemmer, S;
- Heusser, G;
- Hofmann, W;
- Hult, M;
- Inzhechik, LV;
- Csáthy, J Janicskó;
- Jochum, J;
- Junker, M;
- Kazalov, V;
- Kihm, T;
- Kirpichnikov, IV;
- Kirsch, A;
- Klimenko, A;
- Knöpfle, KT;
- Kochetov, O;
- Kornoukhov, VN;
- Kuzminov, VV;
- Laubenstein, M;
- Lazzaro, A;
- Lebedev, VI;
- Lehnert, B;
- Liao, HY;
- Lindner, M;
- Lippi, I;
- Lubashevskiy, A;
- Lubsandorzhiev, B;
- Lutter, G;
- Macolino, C;
- Majorovits, B;
- Maneschg, W;
- Medinaceli, E;
- Misiaszek, M;
- Moseev, P;
- Nemchenok, I;
- Palioselitis, D;
- Panas, K;
- Pandola, L;
- Pelczar, K;
- Pullia, A;
- Riboldi, S;
- Rumyantseva, N;
- Sada, C;
- Salathe, M;
- Schmitt, C;
- Schneider, B;
- Schönert, S;
- Schreiner, J;
- Schütz, A-K;
- Schulz, O;
- Schwingenheuer, B;
- Selivanenko, O;
- Shirchenko, M;
- Simgen, H;
- Smolnikov, A;
- Stanco, L;
- Stepaniuk, M;
- Ur, CA;
- Vanhoefer, L;
- Vasenko, AA;
- Veresnikova, A;
- von Sturm, K;
- Wagner, V;
- Walter, M;
- Wegmann, A;
- Wester, T;
- Wilsenach, H;
- Wojcik, M;
- Yanovich, E;
- Zavarise, P;
- Zhitnikov, I;
- Zhukov, SV;
- Zinatulina, D;
- Zuber, K;
- Zuzel, G
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A search for neutrinoless ββ decay processes accompanied with Majoron emission has been performed using data collected during Phase I of the GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of INFN (Italy). Processes with spectral indices n = 1, 2, 3, 7 were searched for. No signals were found and lower limits of the order of 1023 yr on their half-lives were derived, yielding substantially improved results compared to previous experiments with 76Ge. A new result for the half-life of the neutrino-accompanied ββ decay of 76Ge with significantly reduced uncertainties is also given, resulting in (Formula presented.) yr.
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