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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Transgender Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Health Concerns, their Upstream Causes, and Protective Factors


Clear health and mortality disparities exist both in transgenderpopulations and for youth experiencing homelessness (YEH).  Transgender youth are overrepresented within populations of YEH. 1 in 100 youth is transgender, but an estimated 1 in 11 youth experiencing homelessness is transgender.  No peer-reviewed research has yet explored the structural factors that underlie health disparities experienced bytransgender YEH.

  • 1 supplemental PDF

When Care is Uncaring: Homelessness Stigma in Health Care and Mobile Medicine as a Model for Healing


Qualitatively understand the factors contributing to the decision of PEH to seek or accept STI testing.

  • 1 supplemental ZIP