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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Aim & Scope

 MedJEM focuses on the advancement of emergency medicine & acute care in nations where the field and the specialty of EM remain in an early or middle phase of development.

• Moreover, the primary scope of the journal would be to encourage multidisciplinary and multicentric data coming from the cooperation between countries allowing for publishing consensus & position papers in acute disease management. This encourages professionals from nations where the field and the specialty of EM remain in an early or middle phase of development compare their own reality to the guidelines.

• The journal aims to select publications from contributions and manuscripts that

1. Are submitted by authors and researchers with a primary affiliation in nations where the field and the specialty of EM remain in an early or middle phase of development.

2. Pertain to study populations & topics of primary relevance to these nations’ heath needs

3. Increase the quality of educational and scientific skills in the field

• We will be also inviting experts in the fields of emergency medicine and acute care from nations where the field and the specialty of EM and acute care remain in an early or middle phase of development to contribute consensus & position papers in acute disease management.

• In addition, we will be accepting contributions from allied health professionals (like nurses and EMS) as well as from young investigators who present their work in international meetings.