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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Synchrony and asynchrony of the two eyes in binocular fixationsin the reading of English and Chinese; the implications for ocular prevalence

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We explore low-level, behavioural universals in reading,across English and Chinese. We investigated binocularcoordination in terms of the small non-alignments betweenthe two eyes’ fixations in time. We define a typology of ninesuch asynchronies and report the different spatial distributionsof these types across the screen of text. We interpret them interms of their implications for ocular prevalence—theprioritizing of the input from one eye over the input from theother eye in higher perception/cognition, after binocularfusion. The results show striking similarities of binocularreading behaviours across the two very differentorthographies. Asynchronies in which one eye begins thefixation earlier and/or ends it later occur most frequently inthe hemifield corresponding to that eye. We propose that suchsmall asynchronies in binocular fixations prioritize the higherprocessing of the input from that eye, after binocular fusion.

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