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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Combinatorial Theory

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Intransitive dice tournament is not quasirandom

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

We settle a version of the conjecture about intransitive dice posed by Conrey, Gabbard, Grant, Liu and Morrison in 2016 and Polymath in 2017. We consider generalized dice with n faces and we say that a die A beats B if a random face of A is more likely to show a higher number than an independently chosen random face of B. We study random dice with faces drawn iid from the uniform distribution on [0,1] and conditioned on the sum of the faces equal to n/2. Considering the "beats" relation for three such random dice, Polymath showed that each of eight possible tournaments between them is asymptotically equally likely. In particular, three dice form an intransitive cycle with probability converging to 1/4. In this paper we prove that for four random dice not all tournaments are equally likely and the probability of a transitive tournament is strictly higher than 3/8.

Mathematics Subject Classifications: 60C05

Keywords: Intransitive dice, central limit theorem

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